Chapter 45| The Class Party

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Sabrina's POV
The Class Party!

It's the day finally! It's my baby's birthday! Yesterday was a very congested day for me as it was the last day to get everything done, MJ was such a dearest to be with me through everything, what got me the most was his determination to make sure that Rubina and he didn't share the same trauma, he bought 6 dresses and 4 cakes for her and we made the other 2, they deliver the dresses yesterday but and a single cake which would be taken to the school along with the one that I have baked. The giant Barbie cake is to be delivered tomorrow at the park.

I have also bought a collection of pink fashion eye masks to make the event more unique and glamorous. Even though Rubina had told me that Mrs. Fiona introduced her to the class and told beautiful stories about her and then asked them if they were willing to befriend her, I still contacted her to confirm the level of progress and Alhamdulillah it was a success cos the kids were soft and easier to influence in terms of good bonds and beautiful friendship.

Today is proof that our hard work will be achievable cos even the school took the responsibility to decorate the hall as requested by Mrs. Fiona. The entire Nursery 3 kids were gathered in the school event hall during break time, and cartoon songs were playing before the Entry of the celebrant, her mother was dressing her up in the changing room. It was so emotional for me to watch how happy Rubina was to see her mother doing it for her.

It was MJ and me, along with Mrs. Fiona and other three teachers and nannies who were in the hall, honestly speaking teaching is one of the mastery yet most underrated jobs in Nigeria, the way the teachers were able to handle the popularity of ninety kids without shouting was enough for me to watch for the entire day and still mess up at it.

“You look as beautiful as ever my most beautiful,” MJ whispered, I was wearing a black shimmering straight and it's kimono my turban was also black. The makeup artist insisted on making my makeup dark, especially the eye part, something I wore that was unlike me was the black 6-inch heels, which added to my look beautifully.

“So do you, I want to hide you,” I whispered back as I giggled. He was wearing a grey short-sleeve shirt, jeans, and white sneakers, one thing with his sense of fashion is that he doesn't wear much but still eats it and leaves no crumbs. 

“Now a round of applause for our beautiful celebrant and her Mom! Came Mrs. Fiona's voice, and that was when I saw Anisha and Sabrina walking in graciously. This is more than beautiful! I was on the verge of tears watching them this way, today even Anisha was glowing differently, she was wearing a Heather and golden color Ankara designed into a beautiful Bou-Bou, and her scarf was made into a turban cap, along with a golden veil draped beautifully around her while Rubina was wearing a beaded lace chest gown, it's cream in colour and has a long tail behind, her hair was straightened and cascaded down on her shoulders and her cover shoes was a pearl rhinestones decorated.

They made a perfect mother and daughter duo walking on the stage, where the cake and most of everything were located.

“Masha Allah, they look so beautiful together,” MJ whispered, we were leaning on the end wall of the event hall.

“Yeah, they look perfect, I wish they were as happy as they looked,” I murmured fighting back my tears.

“They will be Insha Allah, it's just a matter of time, Beauty,” He assured me, giving me an affirming look, my eyes welled up but I tried so hard and pushed them back.

“Let's move further, we will be needed any time soon and we also need to capture the moments,” I suggested.

“Yeah! Let's go,” He said and picked up our cameras from the table beside us.

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