Chapter 33| Overdosed Drama

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Sabrina's POV

"What?! I reciprocated.

"Yes, you should apologize to her Sabrina! Apologize! Anisha yelled. This girl doesn't even know what she is fighting for.

"Just an apology right? I smiled mockingly "Aunty Haseena sorry," I said my voice holding no emotion. Instead of settling the situation, it triggered their anger.

"Is that the perfect way to apologize for all the rotten words you threw at her?! Get on your knees and apologize properly before I call you father?! Mama scolded.

"Seriously Mama? You are making me apologize for telling the truth and you still threatening to call Baba? Call him then, tell him all that I do, and let's what will happen." I dare her, she didn't say anything but angrily flaring her nose at me.

"No, right? You are not going to call him right? Of course, you are not Mama! We all know that you won't because you have your plans with me, you are foreseeing a different life for me which is the same as the life Anisha is living now, you want me to marry a man and turn me into a source of your income and telling Baba all that I have been doing will destroy everything you have built all this while because Baba doesn't care about anybody's pocket before he gave out his daughter, isn't it?" I conveyed, Today is the day and I will say my heart out before I turn off everyone. Mama stood there speechless, her eyes darting from Aunt Saudah to Aunt Haseena, the deadly glare Anisha was flashing me could kill me any second from now.

"Innlillahi! Sabrina?! Is this the kind of payback I deserve from you? Mama began to fake a cry, she knew how to play the victim card perfectly. Anisha left Aunty Haseena's side and rushed to Mama who was feigning to fall to the floor in tears and hysteria. She melted into Anisha's arms dramatically blabbering all sorts of things between sobs.

"Oh, is that so? Fine, I am going to call you father right now and then we will see who is who! Aunt Haseena proclaimed authoritatively, immediately Mama's eyes bulged out and she sat upright as if she was pricked with a needle.

"Na'am! She swallowed hard, and that was the moment my eyes met that of Aunt Saudah who had been battling with her laugh forever, the moment our eyes met we began to laugh with different meanings.

"What is funny?! Anisha yelled at me forgetting that I wasn't the only one laughing. I refused to pay heed to her disgusting glares because of the way Mama made my heart beat out of fury and on the other hand, Aunt Perfection was on her mission of calling my Dad.

"Look Aunt Haseena, wallahi if you dare to call my father with this information then I doubt any of you can see me again for the rest of your lives, I will leave and you will never see someone who resembles me let alone me" I warned.

"Wayyo Allah ya'ta! Mama placed both of her hands on her head and shouted. "Haseena please don't do this to me, you just heard what she said, this girl is sick in the head, Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihi raji'un! She yelled crying into Anisha's body. What amused me the most was Aunt Saudah's reaction, she was stuffing her veil into her mouth to avoid making a sound because she was laughing in tears but when the whole attention was back to her, she made a terrible expression pretending a cry.

If these women were Kannywood actresses, then by now one of their films must be among the ones nominated for Oscar this year. They knew everything but they could not accept reality because of greed and that is the most annoying thing.

"Wallahi Ya Rukhsar you are the one tolerating this girl that is why she is doing all that she is doing otherwise she could have been in her right senses by now, haba! What kind of upbringing is this, why must you have to put up with such nonsense," Aunt Haseena fired on Mama mercilessly.

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