Chapter 66| Second In A Week!

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Anisha's POV

It was Nine PM, and Aunt Saudah and Aunt Haseena had left, the woman vowed that she was not going to sleep in our house because of how disrespectful we were. The house was quiet, everyone was lost in their world of misery.

How can we not be disrespectful, how? Their rejection was something I had never thought would be this blind when I made up my mind that I would come back home I knew it would be a battle between us but not as rift as this.

Had it been it was a book I would say that the author is probably exaggerating things because why on earth would someone wake up and decide to destroy somebody's life for no absolute reason if Mukhtar would come for me it should be this way, it should probably be about those pictures, but who knows what he is planning again, especially with Nadeera who had her burnt by Sabrina.

The first worst that could happen was freezing my account, I know, he knows that I will be rejected by my parent, and the worst that could happen is for me to have no access to my account at this point, so Sabrina advised me to transfer all the money in my account to her empty GT Bank account, we transfer some amount to her account because of the transfer limit and then leave the rest until tomorrow.

We were lost in thought when Rubina made a sound that startled us, she drew a deep breath and flinched her legs bringing us back to reality.

Sabrina's POV

The way Rubina was sleeping was alarming, I was bordered but I didn't want to worry Anisha on top of the one she was going through, I was in the middle of thinking when she drew a heaving breath and flinched her legs as if something was pressurizing her chest, Anisha placed her hands on Rubina's neck and head before saying.

“Sabrina the temperature of her body was insanely high, touch it,” She said worriedly. Subhanallah, her body was hot as iron.

“Anisha this girl is sick, we need to do something about it,” I said trying not to sound worried.

“Naziya said her prescribed drugs were in her trolley,” She said, without another word, I headed to where the trolley was and began to dig through.

“Sabrina be fast she is shuddering,” She urged, I found the drugs and rushed to her.

“Ruby, wake up darling it is Mommy,” She shakes her but instead of waking up, she starts sweating and jerking. What is this?

“Anisha, what is this? Is she alright?” I began to panic, Ya Allah, the girl is struggling to inhale and exhale.

“I don't know Sabrina, she is scaring me, it was never this bad, she can not even open her eyes, what should we do? She cried. The state in which Rubina was shaking had me shaking myself, I used to be strong in situations like this but after seeing MJ lying lifeless my heart withered.

“We should call Mama, she will know what to do,” I said.

“Mama will not attend to us, Sabrina and the girl is suffering,” She cried.

“She will attend to us Anisha, this is a matter of life and death, let's take her to her room, she will probably rant out before she helps but she will let's go,” I affirmed. We hurriedly ran upstairs and started knocking on their door, by then the way Rubina was breathing was terrible, she opened her eyes but she couldn't recognize any of us.

“Mama, open the door, please,” I knocked desperately. Anisha squatted down shaking and talking to Rubina, but she was not responding, instead, she kept fighting for air in her lungs.

“Mama open the door please, we need your help here, open it please,” I knocked as if I would break the door.

“What is it? Mama thundered at us as she unlocked the door, she was in her pajamas already.

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