Chapter 27| Unsolved

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Sabrina's POV

Thereupon a monumental combat with my inner self, I chose to go and check on her at least for my serenity and peace of mind but not her gratitude, because it existed nowhere.

I sauntered into her room, and there she was heavily asleep. Instead of going back, I decided to sit down next to her and examine her.

Anisha is not Anisha anymore, she is out of her attributes and lost details of everything that defines her. Most of it was the dark circle under the eyes, the broken nose, and the undomesticated contusions all over her neck and face.

I couldn't look away nor exit the room, I couldn't stop the rage and self-pity arising from the veneer of existence, the next thing I felt was tears cruising down my face, I took one of her bruised fragile hands in mine.

"Anisha, is this you? I found myself asking in a whisper. "You don't deserve this Anisha, you don't, I wish for a way to make you understand and accept that you are withering and losing everything and anything that you are made up of, you were never this overwrought." I sobbed silently.

"At this point, I am not just afraid for you but for me also, Anisha if you can lose yourself to this extent then who am I to not beyond that, you are my only sister, my elder sister, the one who I always look up to, I won't lie to you, it's a fact that everyone knows I was never proud of Mama, I wasn't, you were my mother in my eyes, you are the mother figure I have ever had even though you left early, I know that I lose you the moment you began to submit to their will and here we are today Anisha, here we are with you partially alive and me crying on your half alive body.

"I still can not believe that this is how you are going to continue, I know you all think, Sabrina is stubborn, Sabrina does whatever she yearns for, caring not at all if it will cause harm to anyone around her but deeply I knew it is the only way out, the only to escape agony in life but seeing you in this way got me questioning if I can ever be happy no matter the milestone I have achieved as far you are here feeling sad and threatened. It is breaking me in ways that you can never imagine Anisha. How I wish you were listening to me, Anisha, how I wish you would dare to break out of this, regardless of Baba or Mama's rejection I promise I will be with you, I am not happy with them too, we can earn a living together, stay together and live our lives but this, this life, known of us deserve it.

"Anisha don't let them kill you, don't let them end your life for these pointless reasons, just because you were devalued doesn't mean it should be your formula of living, you are beyond that and you need to stop being selfish Anisha, you always live your life considering other people but what of Me and Rubina? Ya Anisha, the girl is scared, very scared, and all these are affecting her. It is traumatizing her in ways you have never imagined, she stayed with me throughout the night yesterday, and she kept crying in her slumber, in fact, she even had an intense nightmare that led to a seizure, and I handled it alone because you serving a punishment out there, I was scared she would die, Anisha." The words stuck in my throat and all I could do was cry, holding her hand tightly as if she were running away from me.

"I love you so much Anisha, if you let them take you away from me then I promise I will never forgive you, I will never forgive you, Anisha, I will not! I sobbed into her hand. What shocked me the most was when I raised my head and saw tears traversing the bridge of her nose even though her eyes were still closed.

She was listening to me this whole time, I laid off her hand instantly and got up, she didn't move, open her eyes, or react in any way, she was just crying silently, the moment I got that she was still breathing, I walked out of the room, I don't know what to feel in the particular moment, I was so opened with my feelings, I hope she will listen and act upon it, my heart was unstoppably aching for her.

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