Chapter 29| Open Hearted

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Sabrina's POV

"I don't know." He whispered.

"You won't have me harping in your ears AbdulMajeed, but I need you to go back home and think about it, you don't deserve this, this is heart-wrenching," I halted. Candidly, I am exceedingly ruffled.

"I know Sabrina, I know, I am just clueless, cracking out is so un-me, I am not used to being rebellious but I am almost daring, I am thinking of dropping out." He declared looking at me consciously. This is news!

"AbdulMajeed, I want to ask you something." I kept the cup of coffee between us.

"What is it?

"Have you ever viewed painting or photography as a job? Like a life-sustaining job? I inquired.

"Of course I do Sabrina, do you know how much get when a sell-out collection of twelve? There are a lot of money and opportunities in the industry and I know how my way, it is just that I don't have the time." His face glows differently when talks about his craft.

"Then chase your dreams MJ, chase it even if it means dropping out of school, chase it even if it means breaking ties with your dad, believe me, he will claim you one day, one day he will beat his chest and call you his son, I might sound like a bad influence but I just want the best for you, I know your price and your capacity, I know your worth but not your end game and if talent was a person then I will call it Abdul Majeed...

"Would you do what you are telling me now if you were in my shoes? He smiled.

"You have no idea what I did now but if I am to answer your question then yes, I will. I will do it without a second thought." I assured. He nodded impressively.

"I am sorry for yesterday Sabrina...

"Put it behind MJ, it was nothing." I cut him off.

"It was I pissed off and...

"No, you didn't I was just worried you won't show up anymore...

"No way I would ever to you or Rubina." He said defensively.

"She would be worried all the time if you did...

"Will she be the only one who would be worried?" He gave me a knowing smile. What? This guy is something else like he was not the one frowned upon a few seconds ago.

"No, I will be worried too, isn't this what you want to hear? He rolled my eyes playfully.

"What is making you cry, Hazelnut? He asked, Immediately my smile faded and I looked away.

"Look, my love, I am not asking for reciprocation...

"What did you just say? I veered around sharply.

"Never mind, sorry, I am just used to addressing my sister that way." He smirked.

"Oh, yeah your sister," I nodded, rhetorical to what I said. "So you have a sister? I asked throwing a stone into the lake. The mellifluous sounds of the bird were so therapeutic.

"Yeah, I have a sister, her name is Farhana but do not divert the topic, tell me what has been pestering you all this while, it wasn't funny, you know...

I took in a heavy breath, this is not easy, opening up about family issues to someone I barely know but it seemed like he was worth the risk.

"It wasn't about me, it was my sister, I am staying with her." I ceased my words, the instant I let their words out, this was nastier than I had thought.

"You fought with her? Did she harm you? He jabbered.

"Yeah, we had a massive blow-up from day one, and up to date there is no peace in the house." I scoffed at myself. "Do you know M.A Wazeeri? I inquired.

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