Chapter 11|First Encounter

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Sabrina’s POV

I woke up to a throbbing headache that I could not ignore. It was hunger I know but when I said my mental health was at risk I wasn't telling an untruth, it was. The bitterness that was rising from my throat was a promising sign that fever was the bargain. That is one thing with my body, it will endure a lot but when it starts to pay back I will not enjoy even a bit of it.

The day before I came here I could eat well because of too much happiness and usually, I experienced a runny stomach when I ate a lot before I traveled, the day I arrived was a disaster, there was no peace of mind to eat much, likewise this morning,  I ended up not eating at all, not just breakfast even lunch, I don't even have the appetite, the chocolates I ate with MJ was the only thing in my stomach when I slept off.

I started feeling nauseous, I rushed to the toilet and tried to throw up but there was nothing in my stomach,  I didn’t even have the energy, I thought I was drained but until now. I managed to brush my teeth and take a glass of water. I sat on the edge of the bed, resting for a little while before I decided to go to the kitchen and make something for myself, I could not take the hunger to another day. When I looked at the clock it was  1:00 pm already.

I walked into the kitchen and checked what was in the fridge, I found some leftover chicken pepper soup, so I decided to warm it up, and make a mug of hot chocolate. I was lost in the process enough to miss the sound of the footsteps that were coming behind.

“What are you doing here?! Roared a voice from nowhere.” I was startled to the core before I veered around. It was Ya Mukhtar. He was looking at me skeptically.

“Ya Mukhtar, you scared me, when did you come back? I smile trying to exchange pleasantries with him.

“Is that what I asked you? He made a disgusting face at me. Wow!

“I was woken up by hunger so I decided to make something for myself.” I decided to ignore him by continuing what I was doing.

“Yeah, it's understandable, what would wake you up if not hunger, eat well there is enough” he snarled and turned to leave but I stopped him, I wanted to let him go but it was me, wasn't it?

“And, what does that supposed to mean? I inquired, folding my hand on my torso and watching him intently. He looked surprised. But then he decided to walk into where I was standing.  God damn! What is he doing?

“Safeeya or what....

“Sabrina. I cut him off and he rolled his eyes exasperated by my lack of leniency.

“Good one, but if you are the one to take advice then I would like to tell you that you are now in my den and you must bow down.” he coldly interpreted.

“And what would happen if I refused to? I confidently yanked. He looks triggered and I am afraid but it's a promise I won't let him go with it at least not today, first impression last impression.

“Believe me you won't like it, baby girl.” He smirked.

“While I am being careful of you, you should also watch your way because this one is not ordinary, it is ‘A walk on thorns’ and talking about food, I am not like her, I can feed myself, save your ‘enough’.” With that, I picked up my bowl and cup and disappeared, he was giving me that angry wolf kind of glare, fear was consuming me but I had to stand for myself.

I didn't exhale until I entered my room and closed the door on me. Huh! This man is more than what is called dangerous. What? How am I going to stay in this house with these people, it is obvious I am not welcome. After these three weeks, I am going to apply for a hostel, with or without Baba's consent.  

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