Chapter 20| Silent Is The Best Answer...

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Sabrina's POV

“Sabrina! Sabrina! I heard her call upon me as I shut the door. What is it again?

“Why are you behaving like a child? She barged into the room.

“What do you want? I carelessly asked getting rid of my glasses and Camera.

“I want to talk with you.” She seemed tensed and prepared, she must be, I see.

“Are you ready to get a divorce or go back home? I sarcastically remarked.

“Don't you dare start that Sabrina! She yelled.

“If you want to talk with me from the bottom of your heart then don't yell, for the sake of your daughter's happiness and our peace in this house.” I exhaustively pleaded.

“I want to talk to you about earlier...

“What's up with earlier? I cut her off.

“Unless you listen and stop cutting off my breath, I can not be done and go.” she annoyingly remarked.

“I am all ears.”

“I just wanted to tell you that heard the wrong information earlier before you came bombarding me.” she folded her arms looking at her side, she was avoiding eye contact.

“Okay,” I let out and continued discarding my Abaya and earrings. I knew it was eating her up, and she was annoyed but I was more of everything she was right now, and silence was the best answer for a person with her level of stubbornness.

“Okay, what?! Okay as in how? Sabrina aren't you going to talk to me?! She erupted.

“Yes.” I proclaimed emotionlessly expressionless. Silent treatment is the best for Anisha, no going back. Her nose flares non-stop as she turns red from head to toe.

“Sabrina, you are getting on my nerves, you know we have to talk about this, don't you?! She threw her hands in the air exasperated.

“About what? We have nothing to talk about Hajiya! remember? It's not my business, it's your life Anisha, go and live it to the fullest, I beg you in the name of God, leave me alone, let me be, I don't want my life colliding with yours anymore, you choose what you choose and I am who I am, so let it be.” I backfired without thinking.

“Sabrina you are so judgmental, your delusions get the best of you to the extent that you give nobody the benefit of the doubt, it wasn't what you were thinking, you didn't even ask me what was it!” She spoke into my face.

“Of course, I have to take every blame, Anisha, did I even talk to you, when did I tell you what I was thinking or sort? You just came here wrapped in guilt trying to gaslight me for no absolute reason, you just need to understand something today Anisha, I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! this is it and it is what it is!

“But it is not fair Sabrina! This is not fair at all.” Her eyes began to water hopelessly.

“What is not fair Anisha? What? You are making me stranded in this, When I talked to you I was wrong, and when I refused to, it was not fair. Look I didn't come here to argue with you, I came from Kaduna to spend some time with my sister and study, but this whole thing is a mess and you need to let me inhale and exhale.

“But it wasn't what you thought Sabrina, those products were creations by professionals, they are natural things we eat and drink every day, they were just processed differently for a special purpose, and that's all, for lord's sake.” She puffed.

“I hope you have now felt better after smartly explaining yourself Anisha.” I smudged it on her guilty face. “Did you even hear yourself, those products were creations by professionals, they are natural things we eat and drink every day, they were just processed differently for a special purpose, and that's all! I mimicked. “If they are things we eat and drink every day then why do you need to consume them in a so-called special way, Anisha this is pure shirk, take it or leave it...

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