Chapter 61| Misery Or Mystery?

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Sabrina's POV

I woke up to a serious head throb, today marks a good three days of me not eating anything, I just keep drinking water on top of my misery, the cup of coffee I made in the morning yesterday ended up on Nadeera's face, Nadeera? Talking about Nadeera, how is she and how did she end up with a self-obsessed attitude, I am sure they came back and finished Anisha, hmm... If only torture kills.

I was extremely dizzy as my head kept swirling and throbbing nonstop, I was still wearing my yesterday's clothes, so I decided to take a hot bath and go to the kitchen to find something for myself. I wore as red silky pajamas, it's an ankle-length vest and it robe, I washed my hair and let it out to dry on its own, but I didn't have the strength to use a hand dryer. I put a fur slippers and sauntered into the kitchen, the house was six in the morning and the house was quiet, Baaba Larai and Umaima did not wake up.

I proceeded to make a cup of coffee before I opted for something substantial, I needed to have strength first. I made a cup of creamy coffee and sat down in the kitchen, I tried so hard not to think about how things had changed and how my life had taken a new turn, I could not tell who was suffering more than me and Anisha, Anisha was suffering no going back but if you look into my life closely you will come to understand that not just mentally but emotionally I am traumatized also, finding out what Anisha was going through alone was enough let alone everything that has happened, and now I am getting married to my father's friend after losing the love of my life.

I chuckled at the thought and how impossible it was to happen. The coffee tasted like cooking cream in my mouth, tasteless and terrible, but I had to endure, so I closed my eyes and gulped it down like medicine. After some minutes my eyes began to clear and I began to understand the colors of everything. When I checked the fridge I found some leftover Tuwo and Okro soup, I warmed it and started eating, God bless Baaba Larai, despite how tasteless my mouth was I still found it delicious. I was almost done when the door alarm began to ring, who was here in this early morning, I gulped the glass of water next to me and watched my hands, Aunty Haseena was the only person I knew who was always desperate when waiting at the door. I hope she is not the only one, otherwise, today is another day for everybody's misery! No gree for anybody this year!

I rushed to the door and peeped through the peeing hole, what?! What the heck am I seeing?! Tapdi jam! Is it my eyes or what?! I hurriedly opened the door and her face came into view.

“Anisha?! I called shockingly, she was standing at the door looking like a zombie, her nose was dripping with blood, and she looked dead and bleary before I could digest my shock, she fell on my body lifeless.

“Mama! Baba! I yelled but no one came out. “Mama! Mama! Baba! I shouted at the top of my voice. After some minutes of shaking her and calling her name, I began to hear the sound of the door opening from upstairs, in no time Mama and Baba came down yelling my name. I heard Mama saying, ‘Ai ta dawo kuma yanzu mun Shiga uku!

“Mama be fast, please! I shouted, what she was thinking of me her business, she should just come and help us here.

“Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihi raji'un! Who am I seeing like Anisha?! Mama yelled.

“What is she doing in this house?! Asked Baba. Seriously? Is that what a parent should ask?

“Please stop with the questions and help us she fainted and I could not take her alone,” Baba who was supposed to be the one to carry her, stood still watching us struggle with Mama. We took her to my room and lay her down on my bed.

“What brought you here? What did she say to you before she fainted? He coldly inquired, he didn't care about the blood that was dripping from her nose and how unrecognizable she looked.

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