Chapter 28| Opening Up

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Back story

She falls asleep on our way to the park, she must be tired, one can get it from her appearance. From the day she came to date, she has lost weight drastically, I noticed it but it was not like I could talk about it.

Lately, she looked very tense and worried but I was caught between my mess to care enough, the day she brought Rubina to the park, she was very unlike her, at first I thought it was social media influence and all but I conceded that something was wrong when I saw her bloodshot eyes. She refused to talk about it when I asked, which shows that it was a personal issue. I wanted to insist but I was afraid she would hide from me. I can't think of anything.

Yesterday was a sore day for me as always, it wasn't like I was acting like it intentionally but I was filled up that I could vent on anyone, Sabrina to be specific because I was afraid. The girl is too good to be true.

Truth be told, I had been stalking this girl for the past two years and now that I met her, she has become my flame. I was scared she would never talk to me again at night yesterday, I kept calling her but she was not picking up, I texted but there was no comeback. I couldn't tell if it was a coincidence or she was ignoring me. To cut a story short I had a sleepless night yesterday, I couldn't resist calling her in the morning but still, it was the same, I showered and called again but no response, I wore a coffee brown hoodie and a black jogger. I was called down for breakfast but I didn't have the appetite at all.

But this time when I called she picked up. She said that wasn't about me and even apologized but she had her voice jerking. She was crying again! I couldn't ignore the tightness I felt in my chest I could not help but feel the urge to go make her feel better. When I asked her about picking her up she hesitated but didn't refuse and I did in ten. I can not play with my chance again even if it means opening up to her.

She looked beautiful as always even though she was sad, it made me smile whenever I saw her with her camera even when she was down. When she entered, she said nothing, meaning she trusted me with her life, I watched as she rolled back her seat and curled into a ball, probably because she couldn't sleep last night.

It was a 40-minute drive from Wuse II to Jungle Park. She was deeply asleep when we reached, I determined to not wake her up even if it meant, I would end up driving her back by the time she woke up. I can not cut off this level of peace.

I opened the car gently when and sat on the bench facing the lake I packed. Mommy Malika's face haunted me throughout the morning, the way she looked this morning after finding out that I was locked on the other side of the house for the past week with me ignoring every meal she sent. It wasn't her fault but I could not help it, she looked hopelessly disappointed when I walked into my room in the main house and refused to dine, I heard her calling me when I was walking out but I refused to respond. She could not do anything so was I and it was too much for me to decipher.

I sat there for the past hour, and the instant she began to change position on and on, I knew that she was about to wake up. So I went to the nearby coffee station and got two cups. I kept on the bench when she sat up looking around, trying to figure out where she was. I am more than contented to have her here with me and she wasn't asking questions until I had her outside. She isn’t the one to joke with.

Sabrina's POV

This was unbelievable! What was wrong to this extent? He didn't say he was beaten up by his Dad but he fought his Dad!

“Really? Do you want to know? He scoffed.

“You are not talking with Rubina, you need to take me away from this confusion or take me back home.” I declared.

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