Chapter 31| Fact And Fault

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Sabrina's POV

Mama and Aunt I too know sat next to each other, as they are inseparable. While Aunt Perfection sat on the couch adjacent to them. I and Anisha occupied the space on the rug.
Mama couldn't stop glaring at me as if she had no soft corner for me in her heart as a mother. The hatred is extensively out of hand.

“I know you guys are both surprised to see us here without an announcement but assessing the status of your relationship, this is the only promising decision.” Aunt Haseena started. “Before we go outlying, I would like to start with you, Sabrina.” She said and I looked up just to see her loathing expression.

“What is the problem? Like, what is wrong with you? Why are you doing all of this? She bombarded me.

“What did I do Aunt Haseena? I rhetorically asked.

“Why are you jeopardizing your sister's marriage? Why? She coldly questioned while Mama and Aunt Saudah sizzled full of anger.

“I am not jeopardizing her marriage, I am trying to wake her up to reality.” I proclaimed. She looked away endeavoring to gobble the buns of anger that clotted her throat, to be able to stand me.

“You know, your biggest problem is you have fought with everybody since before you came here and even your mother is not an exception, you behave as if Shaytan has pooped on your head and your life was blessed by pharaoh! You have no ounce of shame or shyness in your eyes, who do you think you are?! She lashed out at me. I watched as Anisha's body went rigid in fear while I just kept biting my tongue from spitting hell back at this woman.

Instead of running at her words, I decided to shift my focus to the way I breathe rather than what was going on.

“Are even listening?! Thundered Mama. I didn't say anything to them to avoid any form of unfortunate spillage.

“Wallahi Hajiya Rukhsar, this girl needs a genuine Ruqya because not any human, healthy and alive will conduct their life the way this girl is doing, just look at the way she is looking at us as if she saw a ghost.” Came Aunt Saudah's venomous voice, shocked and astonished.

Wallahi ba Iska Sai Iskanci! This girl needs a proper beating but you guys are not allowing me to give her what she needs that is why she will keep doing all sorts of things until our hearts explode out of anger! Mama bellowed and threw a throw pillow at me.

These annoyed women had my brain scrutinizing through cos, what did I do?

“You should be ashamed of yourself Sabrina! Our parents are not proud of the person you are Sabrina, I wonder which kind of heart is sheltered under your ribcage! Anisha glared at me.

Hmm, these people are incomprehensible, my eyes began to well up for what felt like the hundredth time today. I pray this emotional roller coaster won't disassemble my brain, cos what did I do?

“I am sorry to say but this is not fair, you guys are confused, what did I do to deserve this, if you want to address me about the past then you should have gone straight to the point and not pondered on every bit of natural reaction on my face,” I spilled, trying to control the tears trying to crawl out.

Tapdi jam! Aunt Saudah sputtered while Aunt Haseena stood on her feet. I refused eye contact with Mama because I despised what I saw earlier.

“Are you warning us, eh?! Who do you think you are?! Look at us very well we are your paternal Aunties! We are the pillars of your life and without us your life is imperiled! Who are you to return words at me, if don't know then allow me to remind you, I am the next person after your father?! We traveled our way to come here and settle you guys yet you are here tossing rotten words at us! For your what?! No open your ears and listen to me, if you think destroying your sister's marriage is something too flowery then I am afraid it will affect you more than her!” She flooded with sparks.

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