Chapter 68| It End With Us!

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Sabrina's POV

“Wallahil Azeem Mama, I am not going to give you a single penny, you are done collecting your share that Allah decreed in my hands, I will not if you are afraid of being ashamed why won't you use the money you have been collecting from me, I am sure you will be able to feed the whole GRA for years to come,” Anisha yanked her hand from and stood up firm on feet.

“Anisha, are you crazy? Don't you see that all eyes are on us? Have you heard what kind of whispers are going around in the house? You should better get back to your head and behave yourself before you cause something else on yourself,” Mama whispered the scold but the odds were against her. Anisha yanked away from her hold and raised her voice furiously.

“Who cares? Who cares what people say about me Mama, is it not you and your beloved Aunt Saudah who started it?! Bi'izinillah Allah will do to you guys what you did to me in life!

“Anisha!” I dragged her down trying to stop her but unfortunately, I was late, she didn't even know what she was saying, stopping her was the same as triggering the emotion that led to the explosion, she needed it out.

“Leave me alone Sabrina! They should kill me if they want, that is all that remains, shame on you Mama, you are a bad Mother and a shame to the clan of motherhood! What have I ever done to you to deserve all the wrath and affliction you are raining upon me? What?! What Mama?! Tell me please so that I can ask for forgiveness before I face my lord because I am sure I will not live long with this trauma and criticism! What do you want from me?! You have made me disobey Allah, and I did it to please, you have made me live with an adulterer for five years, I did it to obey you even when I don't know the stand of the marriage Islamically, I lost four babies and a womb now, you made me stay and I did just to obey, you made me took money from his save to send you just to stand out in a wedding and I did to obey you! I obeyed you until I lost myself, I obeyed until life itself threatened to leave my body, but regardless you and your beloved husband locked us in this house until the only soul that could ever be mine lost her life painfully, until her last intake of a painful breath you were on your feet asking to go back to an organ trader and continue sending money! Wallahi Mama your name should be registered in the Guinness Book of Records, as the most heartless mother of the millennium! Kinji kunya Mama!”

She profusely poured out her heart in tears, By now people filled the room, and somewhere standing at the door, Aunt Haseena fought her way in and started her frivolous speech.

“Haba Anisha! Is this what you repay your mother with? Does losing a child mean the end of the world?!

“Aunty Haseena, Billahil Azeem if you come here I will smash your head on the floor! She yelled, Anisha was completely out of her looks, her voice did not even sound like hers, the epitome of anger and frustration. The voices that went shrieking and gasping in the room were countless.

“Ninety-nine days for the theft and one day for the owner! So all this while you have carried yourself like a responsible rich woman, you guys were stealing from your daughter's husband? Aunt Walida said and burst into a serious laugh along with her gang.

Mama burst into tears enormously, Aunt Haseena held her dramatically as she consoled her. I had to force Anisha to sit back and relax. Well, this was exactly what she was afraid of, it was terrible but now that she has passed it she has learned her lesson.

“Barauniyar Banza!” Goggo Lami whispered to Iyan Tarauni.

“Why are you whispering Lami? Say it out confidently, they are bunches of bad luck and thefts, but it was not her fault wallahi, it was Tahir's stubbornness! There was nothing that we didn't tell him about the clan this woman came from but regardless of all the women that were shoved into his way, he chose this woman and now look at what is happening! Iyan Tarauni asserted as she clapped on her lap in assurance.

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