Chapter 57| Innalillahi...

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Sabrina POV

They returned me to the road where my car was parked, everything in the car was intact, and my phone was there just everything.

I hurriedly entered the car and headed home, to be honest, I don't know if I was making the right decision, if Mukhtar and Nadeera were the ones doing this to me then that place was no longer safe, also I was thinking of JJ, MJ's father, but then they didn't ask me about the recording, hell, they said the kidnapping was a mistake, so did I fell in the wrong hands or was it a setup, I was just driving cos I am not in my right senses, this whole thing is getting the best of me and fear is eating me up. I took my phone to check the time and it was 2:30 PM, what?! I have spent almost all the day at their place but what scared me the most was the tons of missed calls, 32 missed calls I began to panic, what happened, and who called me 32 times?

I parked by the roadside, and checked 10 missed were from Anisha, did something happen to her or Rubina? Ya Rabb, 12 missed calls from an unknown number and 8 from Farhana, I am confused, what is going who should I even call first? I proceeded to call Anisha first but she wasn't picking up, I called Farhana, and it was the same as Anisha, likewise the unknown number, my anxiety was eating me up when I started the car, and terrible feelings gnawing at me. I said some prayer and inhaled deeply before I started the car, I reached our area but was not home when my phone started ringing, it was an unknown number.

I picked up the call and listened closely.

“Farhana? I asked after hearing her voice.

“Yes it is me,” she answered her voice was deep and so unlike her.

“What is going on? I have seen tons of missed calls and you didn't pick up when I called back,” I said.

“Where are you? She asked.

“I am on my way back home from school, is everything okay,” I asked, my hands shaking in hysteria.

“Can you come home, to our house,” She asked and my heart almost stopped.

“What is it Farhana, is everything fine, did you talk with MJ? Is it Mommy Malika? I bombarded her.

“No, no, calm down Sabrina, it's nothing, we spoke a few minutes ago, I just need your help here, Mommy Malika is not feeling so well, I just need you to talk to her,” She said and relief washed through my veins.

“Fine, I am coming, the seventh house behind the park block right? I inquired to make sure.

“Yes it is, please hurry up,” She urged.

“Okay, I will, In Sha Allah,” I assured and hung up.

This ought to happen, Seeing MJ off as a mother is not something funny, it was not easy for me also let alone her, and his father is a handful, he is selfish and he never understands things from anybody's perspective, only God knows, what he did to her, I just hope he is not at home.

I passed the park and took a U-turn to the other block, I began to count the houses, and to my greatest surprise house number seven was crowded from the outside, there were cars parked and people standing, what was going on? My heart began to beat a marathon and my head began to swirl, is this the house? I need them to call Farhana.

I dialed her number with a shaky hand and she picked up at first dial.

“Farhana, I think I got lost, the house number seven was a bit crowded from the outside,” I informed.

“It is the house, just enter,” She said and hung up immediately. I stayed in the car analyzing my decision, whether to enter or not, my body was heavy so was my heart, what happened to Mommy Malika? I inhaled deeply before I picked up my phone and got out of the car, I walked into the house, and what scared me the most was when I saw people sitting on a mat in the parking lot, and somewhere performing ablution. What is this?

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