Chapter 40| Preparation

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Anisha's POV

I didn't know when I stood up at the sight of them, the worst part of it was Sabrina's face held a blank expression, I could not tell if she heard what Jalila just said or if she did not.

“Uhmm...oh..Sabrina, you are back.” I stuttered guiltily.

“Yeah, we are, I will be in my room,” She said. “Hi,” She waved at Jalila with a tight smile and they both left.

Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihi raji'un!

“Jalila, what did you just do to me?! What garbage did you confidently spill out without a second thought?” I whispered a scold to avoid turning their attention back on us.

“I said no garbage, Anisha, and talking about thinking twice, I thought more than a hundred times before I said it out, it was just a piece of advice so don't you dare to start raining insults on me,” She cautioned.

“Of course, I will say whatever I want to a woman who was advising a married woman to subscribe to adultery Jalila, but for your information, my desperation is not up to that extent! I am not a prostitute and I will never be one and don't you ever come to me with such, now get up and leave my house before I ask the security to do it!” I ordered, my eyes were just seeing red as I spoke.

“Uhmm, Anisha after five years you called me crying because a charm knot fell off from your hair, the first year we met each other, you couldn't even look at it or talk to me properly because I was wearing it, not just this, same goes to a lot of things and also same will go with this, the problem is Anisha you are willing to stay no matter! And as far as this is your mission then bear it at the back of your mind that in the matter of few years to come you will be unrecognizable to yourself because you will do a lot of things!” She threw it to my face as she picked up her bag and headed to the departure but then she stopped.

“Go to your room and think Anisha, visualize the future in your eyes, if you see yourself doing this in the next two years, then you should better not waste your time now because I am sure we will arrive at this, or you will arrive in your hometown! She ruthlessly spits and walks out of the house, leaving me with a falling and rising chest angrily. But did she lie?

Sabrina's POV

“Open your ears and listen to me very well Anisha, marriage is hard and sometimes even impossible to make work but believe me there is 99.9 percent of making things run smoothly without having to go all through this, if your husband is not willing to come to your room and your mother-in-law is desperate for a male child then why wouldn't you get another man, I can get one to do it for you and then...

I had been sitting in my room for the past hour but these were the only assertions that kept disseminating in my head like a whirl. Both Anisha and the Woman have spooked the shit out of me, and now I don't know what to think of them, especially Anisha. For sure that woman is an agent of Shaytan but Anisha is now becoming a minion in the game.

From charm-knot in the hair to adultery, I am sure that if Mama will hear this she would be in support of this mess, Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihi raji'un! The way my heart was beating had me thinking that my blood pressure had shot. I still can't believe my ears, to be honest, I said it to myself earlier, regardless of everything rejection and torture, Anisha is still hellbent on making this marriage work, then I am sure she will do a lot of wrong things but adultery was never a thought. When I came here I was strong enough to fight and say things, but now I have to learn to swallow, my heart has become fragile due to the times it smashes.

Had it been it was days back, I would have gone preaching on her and by now we could have slit each other's throats with harmful words but now what is between me and Anisha is just prayers for Allah choice and guidance.

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