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Venus grabbed Arlong's hand from her jaw before glancing up at him. Kicking him back. "That is for the first attack on our crew." She spoke. Walking over as she didn't give him time to get up. Simply kicking him away from her. "That is for the Village and the people who you have taken a lot from."

Walking to the middle of the room. "Luffy. Come on."

"What are you planning?" Luffy asked.

"Something. Now hold on tight." Venus spoke.

"Where?" Luffy asked confused.

Venus let out a small sigh before pulling him to her. Placing his arms around her waist so she could focus. Closing her eyes.

"Is this part of the plan or..?" Luffy asked.

Venus glanced over her shoulder at him. "Quit asking questions. We are still fighting for our lives, remember?" She asked as she motioned to Arlong.

"Right. Carry on." Luffy spoke.

Venus thanked him as she closed her eyes once more and concentrated. Remembering what she had done before on her walk the night before. How she had felt.

Luffy held on to her a bit more when the floor felt like it was shaking. Noticing that it was the more Venus focused.

"You will never succeed against me. You're parents were probably just as weak considering they're dead." Arlong mocked. "What have you done that's so great to your name? No puny human like you will bring down Arlong park!"

Venus listened to him. "I've killed." She spoke before holding her hands out. A dark violet shockwave leaving her before expanding across the room quickly. Sending everything back as her hair flew back.

Luffy gripped onto her a bit more as he closed his eyes from how windy it had gotten because of her. Opening them once the wind had died down before covering her head. "Close your eyes." He spoke.

Venus did as told. Closing her eyes as she trusted Luffy. He was her Captain and oldest friend after all. He had put his trust in her and she wouldn't hesitate to do the same for him.

Luffy used his gum gum battle axe move on Arlong to help speed up the process of the building collapsing and sending Arlong all the way down so he could be crushed by all of his creations.

Nami watched from outside in horror. "Venus! Luffy!" She yelled.

Sanji and Zoro watching in shock as well. Processing what was happening at the moment. Zoro slowly taking a step forward as Usopp placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from running towards the collapsed building.

Smoke and debris filling the air and clouding their vision. Making it hard for the four of them to see what was left of the fight.

The four of them glancing in the direction of the now destroyed tower. Sanji glancing down as he felt like they had been too late. On the other hand, Zoro was worried sick. Taking another step forwards.

Luffy punched through the debris as he soon jumped out of the debris. Holding Venus before setting her down as he gathered his breath and coughed.

Venus coughed quietly at the dust and smoke she had inhaled by accident. Glancing at the group as she grinned a bit.

"Nami!" Luffy yelled. "You are our friend! We are your crew!"

Sanji laughed a bit as he was relieved to see them both alive and well. Wondering what had happened to them during the fight. Usopp joining him in the small laughter as he was relieved as well.

"Nami!" Venus spoke up. "You have my word that no one will take your dreams away again."

Zoro joined in on the small moment of laughter as he was able to share that moment with them.

Nami looked happy but her eyes held a few tears she didn't want to release. After all, she had been saved by him and Venus. They were both okay and that's all that mattered.


Night had fallen on the crew as they had stayed in the Village for a while. Nami sitting alone as she watched the villagers and kids having a good time with the small celebration.

It made her feel happy again. Not having to worry about Arlong and his lies. She felt free for once in her life.

Venus noticed her alone before walking over and taking a seat besides her. "Seems like they're having fun."

"So it seems." Nami spoke before glancing at her. "Thank you." She added.

"For what?" Venus asked.

"For what you and Luffy did." Nami replied.

"That was nothing. It's what friends do." Venus spoke. Glancing over at the crowd before glancing at her. "I know we've had our differences but I meant what I said. You can talk to me if you have to."

Nami listened as she noticed something. "I guess I could say the same thing to you."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Venus spoke.

Nami placed her hand over hers gently. "I know that look anywhere. I know how it feels like you can't trust the people around you."

Venus listened before shaking her head. "You don't know what you're talking about. Everything is fine on my end. I think you're a little tired with everything that happened today."

"Venus." Nami spoke her name lightly.

"I don't want to talk about it." Venus sighed as spoke up. "If I talk about it then I'll be accepting whatever will happen and I will not do that." Holding her hand back a bit.

Nami listened as she held her hand back a bit. "I understand." She spoke. "But I need to know how to help you."

"If you want to help me then just act like normal. Just be you Nami." Venus spoke.

Nami was hesitant but gave a small nod anyways. "Okay then. I will. I promise." She reassured.

"Thank you." Venus spoke as she glanced back out to the crowd. Missing the feeling of feeling that joy back home with her own people.

Nami placed her head on her shoulder a bit. "What's on your mind now?" She asked lightly.

"Just some nostalgia." Venus spoke. Smiling a bit at the memories. "My mother used to light these bondfires and would gather everyone together. She just had that charm, bringing people together that is." She recalled the memories. "My father would come out of our home with enough food to feed everyone while my uncle would trail behind him with more food."

Nami listened to her speak as she never heard her talk about her family as much. Paying attention and lending her a listening ear. "What happened next?" Nami asked.

"He would set the food down and run to my mother. You could almost feel their love and care for one another in the air. Maybe even for miles away. He'd give her a kiss on the cheek and have music playing while he danced with her. It was like they had their own little world." Venus replied. "My uncle would jokingly say that they should find a room so he would have to see them and my father's reply was that he get with Victoria."

"Victoria?" Nami asked.

"Oh, she was one of my father's crewmates. His left hand. Her and my uncle were the ones who saved me." Taking in the view of the small happy village. "They were nice people despite the titles they earned." Venus continued. "I guess that's why I was willing to trust Luffy so easily the first time we met."

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