~ Four ~

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Olivia's pov

Today we were making our way to St George's Park for camp before our games against Austria and Latvia.

I loved England camps and matches because not only is it representing the country, but I'm also vice captain, which was always an honour.

We had just stopped at Starbucks for a quick break before making our final stretch to SGP.


Once we had arrived, we get out the car with our Starbucks cups in one hand and each others in the other hand.

We smile at the reporter who was waiting outside and he took a picture of me and less walking in. I knew that would be posted to the lionesses Instagram later.

As we walk in, I notice how almost everyone is down in the lobby waiting.

"Why is everyone down here?" I whisper so only less can hear.

"I don't know."

"The love birds are here." Mary shouts from across the lobby.

"Shut up, Mary." Less complains but everyone can tell that she loves it.

I wrap my arm around her waist and we walk towards a free chair next to Lotte.

We hug her before sitting down in the chair, less sitting on my lap as there were no more seats.

"Why is everyone here?" I ask, turning to Lotte.

"Sarinas not here yet and no one knows which rooms they're in." Lotte explains

"I wonder why Sarina's late." I say and then we see her practically running into the lobby.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. Traffic on the motorway was bad today." Sarina justifies. "You are all rooming with your normal partners. Georgia, you are in room 12. You and rooming alone as Leah couldn't make it. Ella and Mary, room 13. Less and Liv, room 14." Sarina starts listing all the room numbers but me and less make our way to our room.


We then get a knock at our door. I go and open it and it's Sarina.

"Hi liv, I just need to come and tell you two things. Is Alessia here too?"

"Yes she is, would you like to come in?" I ask

"Yes please, it would be better than standing in the corridor." Sarina jokes and she enters our room.

"Hi, Sarina." Less says as she finishes of unpacking her stuff.

"Hey Alessia. The first thing I wanted to tell you is that you have a joint interview, you know the first impressions interviews, well you two have that early tomorrow morning. The second thing is actually for you liv. For this camp and the upcoming two matches, Leah's not here, meaning that you are now captain for the games against Austria and Latvia."

In complete honesty, I had forgotten that Leah wasn't here meaning that it completely went over my head that I would be captain for the two matches.

"Wow. Thank you." I smile

"I'll see you two tomorrow then. It's an early interview so an early start. Bye Alessia, Liv." Sarina leaves the room and I just turn to less with a shocked face.

"Well, hello there, captain." Less teases

"I can't believe it. I mean, at some point I knew that Leah would miss a match, but it just feels so surreal."

"I am so so proud of you, livvy." Less hugs me

"Thank you, Lessi."

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