~ one hundred and fourty four ~

873 39 1

Olivia's pov

We had arrived in Spain for our matches against Austria and Italy.

It was going to be such a good week, no matter what the scoreline of the matches are.

The weather was gorgeous, the sun beaming downwards.

The hotel was nice too. It had training facilities on site and a pool that was open for us.


Today we were playing Austria.

Everyone had worked so hard in training so I knew we could possibly have a good result.

We had already arrived at the stadium and now we were waiting in the tunnel to come out.

I was starting today, along with less, Hempo, G, Ella, Grace, Niamh, Alex, Esme, Maya, and Hannah.

"You nervous?" I ask Grace who was stood behind hannah.

"Just a bit." She replied, her scouse accent thick.

"Don't worry, koala. You'll be fine. I bet you score. You just watch." I tell her, using her nickname that me and less call her.

Grace plays for United, not currently because she's on loan at Tottenham, but when less played at united with grace, grace was always around our house. This caused me and lessi to form a sisterly relationship with Grace.

We then got signalled to walk out of the tunnel. I walked the team out proudly before forming a line to sing the national anthem.

Afterwards, we shake hands with the players and swap pennants.

The game kicks off and within just three minutes, we had gained possession and brought it up the pitch.

Less had passed to me on the right wing, and I ran more central before shooting.

Manu saved it but let go, and luckily lessi was there and tapped it into the goal.

Less comes running to me, jumping into my arms as I kiss her cheek.

Everyone gathers round before we head back to our positions.

We have lots of chances but none of them were successful until the 19'.

Hempo crossed it into the box and it landed on Grace's head and went in.

We all congratulated her on her debut goal.

"Told you, koala. Well done, Gracie." I say and pat her back.

Unfortunately the minutes later, Austria manage to score a goal but we were still in the lead. Only by one though.

I manage to get myself on the scoresheet too.

Ella had ran into the box with the ball, crossing it on the ground.

Less got to the ball first but as she shot, she feet got mixed up and it hit her other foot so the ball fell to me.

I ran into it before running more central and shot with my left foot. There was no way Manu was getting it. It soared through the air and landed in the top left corner.

Like any other goal, freed from desire started playing but the England fans were singing my version of it.

Everyone came and either high fived, or hugged me before making our way back up the pitch.

The first half finished 3-1 and we make our way into the changing rooms.

During half time, it was decided that the Lauren's were switching. LJ was coming on, and Hempo was coming off.

Lotte was also coming on for Alex.

It took fifteen minutes to score another one.

G had gained possession in midfield and passed it down to less who had so much space around her.

She shot and it landed in the bottom right corner, straight past Manu.

The game hadn't even kicked off again before less was subbed off.

Less was subbed off for Rach, Grace was subbed off for Jess park, and Niamh was subbed off for Jess Carter.

Just nine minutes later, we got another goal to make it 5-1.

It was a corner and Rach took it.

Lotte got her head to it but I could see it was going wide so I used the back of my heel to get it into the goal.

Later on just before the 90', Austria score another goal to make it 5-2.

Hannah was so close to getting it but she was a second too late.

Straight after kickoff, LJ gets ahold of the ball, running into the box before trying her luck.

Her shot hits the post but bounced towards Rach who kicked it in.

In injury time to make it a hat trick, I get passed the ball over the defence and I ran onto it.

It was a 1v1 with Manu.

With all the power I had, I shot and it landed straight in the goal.

I hug everyone before sending three kisses towards less, who had Lottie and Maisie with her.

Two minutes later, the full time whistle blew.

I shake hands with all the Austrian players.

I then go and find less with only Lottie on her hip.

"There's mama." I hear less say as I approach them.

"Hi Lottie Lou. Hi lessi." I say and press a small kiss to less' lips whilst taking Lottie from her. "Where's our other girl?"

"Mary took her away from me." Less explained and I look over to Mary who was encouraging Maisie to crawl to her.

Maisie had recently discovered crawling, and has not stopped doing it since.

We put her down in the floor in the living room, and the next minute she's in the kitchen with a big grin on her face.

I walk towards Mary and Maisie picking Maisie up quickly and tickling her, making her giggle.

"There's my other baby. Did auntie Mary take you away from mummy? Now I've got both my babies." I say and rest both girls comfortably in my arms

We gather round and have a team talk, before I walk towards Grace.

Just as I approach her, Beth pushes her towards the camera man who was taking a video for the England social media.

"Talk us through your debut." I tell Grace a side hug her. "Who said you were gonna score?"

"Liv said that she — I was gonna score." Grace messed up and I pull a confused face.

"I didn't say I was gonna score."

"And then livvy went and scored three better goals." Grace smiles

"No, don't do that. This is a first cap of so so many. She's gonna have a massive career. Future England captain, bet you. She's like my little sister cause she's annoying." I hug Grace and she clings on to me like a koala. "Well done, koala."

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