~ one hundred and fourty five ~

858 38 0

Olivia's pov

The following day after the match it was announced I'd gotten player of the match.

I was also pulled aside to do a quick interview with the camera man.

"I mean Obviously you want to score as much as you can but it was nice to take my chances and being on the scoresheet is always nice and to get seven as well was really nice as a team."

"Loads of goals. Including a debut goal for Grace Clinton."

"Yeah, I was so happy for her. I was buzzing that she got the minutes. I think she's been amazing this season and she really deserved it. She showed everyone what she can do. I've been incredibly lucky to watch her grow as a person and a footballer. She's definitely a bright star for the future." I say

"And the puzzles you've been doing. Arrow words? Has that been helping you get prepped?"

"Yeah, it has actually. All of the girls have got on board which is nice because I can't complete them on my own, and I mean lessi's no help. Sometimes I don't know if she even knows her own name. But it's just nice when we're off and chilling and when Maisie and Lottie are having their naps, we just need something to keep our brains ticking."

"Nice. Congrats on last night."



We were now in the changing rooms getting ready for the match against Italy.

"Less, I've got a bruise from where you pinched me." I complain as I see the bruise on my side.

Less had decided to pinch me as we were taking a team photo during training.

"Sorry, baby." Lessi apologised, helping me out on my shirt before leaving a kiss on my cheek.

"Get off each other will you. You've got your babies here." Beth shouted from the other side of the room, pointing to Lottie who was sat with Lotte, and Maisie who was crawling on the floor.

She was supposed to be sat with some of her toys on the floor but had crawled all the way to the other side.

"Maisie moo, why are you over there?" I cooed and picked her up, hoisting her up onto my hip. "You've got to stay here whilst I get ready."

I go to put her down but she starts whinging.

"Baby girl, I've got to get dressed. Why don't you go to mummy?" Less opens her arms and takes maisie, who immediately cuddles into her.

I finish getting ready, taking Lottie from Lotte and giving her a final bottle.

The plan was that they'd hopefully fall asleep if they wear their ear defenders.

Once we'd secured them in their car seats, Beth made her way out with them onto the subs bench whilst me and less prepared ourselves in the tunnel.

We walked out, sung the national anthem before I switched pennants with the Italian captain.

The game commences and within just thirty seconds, Lotte made the scoreline 1-0.

She had scored a header from a corner.

It was her first ever goal for England so it was a massive deal for her.

We gathered round, hugging her.

"Your massive head." I joke with her, lightly kissing her head before running back to our positions.

We rest and kick off again.

The possession is mainly ours but no more goals come until the 21'.

It came from a corner. It was delivered into the box and the keeper punched it away but it fell to my feet.

I kicked it and it hit an Italian player but bounced back on my shin and went in.

Lucy was the first one to me, picking me up, before everyone gathered round.

I then score another one 13' later.

Again, it came from a corner.

At first, it completely missed the box but Lucy kept it in play.

It was then crossed into the box once more and I headed it in.

At half time, me and less were both subbed off.

After an eventful second half, ending 5-1, the match finished.

Both games had been successful and although they were just friendlies, we all had the time of ours lives and showed everyone that this was our year.


"Olivia, how does it feel to captain your country to win two games back to back with scorelines that big?" The interviewer asks me.

I had been pulled over to do an interview.

"Yeah, of course the biggest emotion is pride. I'm proud of everyone on the team with how they've trained the past week and how it shows in matches. It's great to see so many first goals, Grace Clinton, Lotte Wubben-Moy. And overall, it's just been an incredible week and incredible matches."

"Now let's talk about you. The goals you scored today take you to a count of 43 goals for England. That's less than 10 away from the record of Ellen white. With you only having 29 caps for England, it's an incredible statistic that you've scored 43. You are currently level with Kerry Davis who scored 43 goals in 90 caps.You really are a footballing legend. How do you feel knowing that you could break the record within a couple of matches?"

"Wow, I didn't know I had scored that many. It's a major thing and I'm proud of myself, I'm not going to deny it. I've played as a striker my whole life. I've put hundreds of hours into shooting into goals and I knew that one day, it could all pay off, and it has. I think of where I've come from, playing in a tiny garden, to playing for an all boys team, to now playing for my country and scoring goals in the likes of Wembley. But yeah, it's going to be a big thing when I score my 53rd goal but I'm just going to be feeling guilty because I know Ellen likes to brag that she's the record goal scorer. As soon as that match finishes, I'll be messaging Ellen to say sorry. But yeah, I can't wait because it will be an opportunity to show my two girls that anything can happen if you work hard for it. No matter your background, or how you grew up, anything can happen."

"Thanks for talking us, Olivia. Well done on the win."

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