~ one hundred and twenty three ~

968 51 0

Olivias pov

We travelled up to Scotland the day after the match.

To go through to the next round of the nations league and to go through to the olympics, we had to win against Scotland, and score more goals than the Netherlands.

However, the Netherlands were playing Belgium at the same time we play Scotland.

Essentially, we just needed to score a hell of a lot of goals.


"Hi mini Russos. Or just mini Russo." Niamh says as she crouches down to see Lottie and Maisie's car seats but Maisie was fast asleep.

"What about me?"

"Hi big Russo." Niamh chuckles

"Hi niamhy."

"I got something for the girls and I think you're also going to love it." Niamh tells me

"Oh, god." I mutter and she hands me a bag. "What the fuck, Niamh. Why would I ever dress them in these?" I exclaim once I've opened the bag to see two Chelsea kits for Lottie and Maisie, both with Charles on the back.

"Come on, liv. They can wear them after we beat you." Niamh explains and I scoff at her statement.

"You? Beat us? No way, Charles. Not this time anyway."

"You watch, Russo. 5-0. Calling it. Come on, Lottie, shall we put it on you?" Niamh gently picks her up after looking up at me for consent.

Niamh manages to put the shirt on, over Lottie's outfit that she was originally wearing.

Lunch was then ready and so everyone started making their way to the food hall.

As I sit down, LJ comes along and notices Lottie's shirt.

"Chelsea fans are we?"

"Biggest Chelsea fans. Can I get a picture with you?" I say sarcastically and we joke.

"I'm taking a picture and sending it to Millie. She's gonna love this. Can I take her over so Fran can see?" Lauren asks and I nod my head.

"Is that our daughter over there?" Less asks as she sits next to me and wraps her arm around my shoulder.

All of the Chelsea girls were looking at her shirt and now Beth had seen it and was calling us traitors.

"It sure is." I sigh and melt into less' side.

"Livvy, why is she wearing a Chelsea shirt?" Less asks, giggling a bit.

"Niamh. Niamh decided to get them a Chelsea shirt. Chelsea." I scoff

"Can I get them Bayern Munich shirts?" G asks, excitedly.

"No." I say, bluntly.

"How about a Barca shirt?" I hear Lucy say from the table opposite us.

"No." I repeat

And it went on and on, people asking if they can get them shirts with different teams on.

Less just sits there laughing away, finding it extremely amusing.

"I can't believe you." I say to her

"What did I do wrong?" Less asks, acting all innocent

"Laughing at me. I'm trying to save our daughters from having to wear them shirts and you're just laughing." I explain

"Sorry, baby." Less says, still with a smile on her face, and kisses my head.

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