How The Duo Came To Be

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Hey! In honor of thanksgiving I decided to post a chapter I made for my Valerie prequel! PS this is set when Val is a teenager and this is how she got her start in the racing world.


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Cassandra Croft was regretting all life choices currently as she drove a 1985 Jetta Volkswagen down a street in Tokyo

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Cassandra Croft was regretting all life choices currently as she drove a 1985 Jetta Volkswagen down a street in Tokyo

She finally came to the point in her life where she was done taking all that crap from her dad. After a fight that ended up with he getting a cut on the arm she knew she couldn't keep living like that. So, in the middle of the night she took her dads money from his safe and drove off with his car. She knew she couldn't go too far without him tracking it which is why she sold it to another street racer for cash. She also died her hair black not wanting to keep her blonde locks anymore. Cass figured if she was getting a new start she might as well change all she could.

She used the money and bought a ticket to Tokyo. Cass didn't know what it was but Tokyo always fascinated her and with her running away she might as well see it before things go to shit. She walked into a grocery store and couldn't help but hear a conversation near by

"I swear those street racers will get caught at some point

Valerie's ears perked up at the mention of street racing. She grabbed a bag of chips and walked over to the cashier.

"Just the chips?" a teenage girl asked


Valerie handed her the money and walked out. She drove down the street and noticed a group of car driving. Those cars were definitely racing worthy.

 Those cars were definitely racing worthy

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