Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sun & Moon

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"So, how was Valentine's Day?" Lexi asked Y/N as they grabbed their trays full of food the lunch lady had given them.

It was Monday and Y/N hadn't seen Lexi since Friday which was Valentine's Day so they had a lot to catch up on.

"It was amazing," Y/N gushed. "We went to the mall and he got one of his ears pierced. Then we got some food and he drove us to Gilman's Hill where we—"

"Gilman's Hill?" Lexi asked. She smirked at Y/N. "What did you guys do there?"

"Nothing!" Y/N said. "Not what you're thinking of anyway... We just talked. And we may have almost kissed."

Lexi's mouth fell open. "What?!?!" she squealed. "Are you serious? Y/N, this is amazing news! Why didn't you guys kiss though?"

"Some other couple had parked next to us so we left," Y/N told her.

Lexi rolled her eyes. "I'm going to kill them," she said. "You guys could've been together if it weren't for those two idiots."

Y/N laughed as her and Lexi sat down at their usual table with Rodrick, Ben and Barry. Lexi sat beside Ben who had Barry seated on the other side of him. And Y/N of course sat beside Rodrick. He smiled at her.

"Hey, nerd," he said.

She turned to him and returned his smile. "Hey, doofus," she replied before eating her lunch.

"Do we have biology today?" Rodrick asked. He already knew they did. He just wanted to see how she would react to them having that shared class. Her reaction reached his expectations. She smiled and nodded.

"Yes, we do," she replied, her beautiful grin never leaving her lips. "I think we're preparing for a test this class."

Rodrick sighed. "Seriously?" he asked.

She patted his hand. "Yes, Rodrick, seriously," she said. "But don't worry, I can help you study."

He smiled at her fondly.

"So are you guys free this weekend?" Barry asked the group.

"I am," Ben said.

"Me too," said Lexi.

Rodrick looked at Y/N and waited for her response. If Barry was planning on hanging out with them, he wanted to make sure Y/N was there.

"I'm free on Saturday," she said.

"So am I," Rodrick said after her.

"Good," Barry said. "My parents are going to be out of town so we can all hang out at my place."

"Just like on boxing day?" Lexi asked, she eyed Y/N with a smirk.

"Yeah, pretty much," Barry said.

"Except there won't be any mistletoe," said Ben. He looked at Y/N and Rodrick and tried to hold back his laughter. The pair of them grew red. Y/N would hate to admit it but she liked when her friends teased her and Rodrick.

"Well duh, it's February," Rodrick said, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks. "Why would we have mistletoe?"

Ben and Lexi exchanged glance and giggled. Barry furrowed his brows. "He has a point," he said. "I don't get why you two are laughing."

Ben leaned into Barry's ear and whispered something that wasn't audible to anyone else. "Oh, right," Barry nodded, realization hitting him. "The kiss under the—"

Rodrick kicked him from under the table. "So! Y/N! How about we go to class early?" he asked, getting up from the table.

"Sure, I'd love to," Y/N replied as she stood up.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now