Giving Hope

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Natasha had just saved herself and Isha from an attack from Sundeep.   Isha was knocked unconcious during the fight, and Sundeep had stabbed Natasha, went to stab her again, when luckily, Chiku arrived with Sheesh.    When they saw what's going on, they quickly disarmed Sundeep.   Chiku was beating Sundeep even as he was unconscious.   Sheesh quickly called the police and the ambulance, as both Natasha and Isha were injured.  Sheesh went looking for Daama as her could hear her screaming.    He found her on the ground, with her wheelchair flipped over.  He flipped back the wheelchair and picked up her, and settled her back in her wheelchair.

Soon, the police and the ambulance came, with the ambulance quickly taking  both Natasha and Isha to the hospital.    The police took statements from both Daama and Chiku and then left with Sundeep.

Chiku, Daama, and Sheesh headed over to the hospital.   When they arrived at the hospital, they were able to find out that Isha just bumped her head, causing her to faint.   They had bandaged the wound and let Chiku know that she had to be a little careful the next couple of days.

Chiku called Dhawal, "Dhawal, Sundeep had attacked Pandya Niwas.   Isha was injured.  She is at City Hospital.  Her injuries are not serious.  She hit her head during the fight and was unconscious." 

"Isha is ok?  What about Natasha?  Is she ok? Daama?  Tell me, is Natasha ok?"  asked Dhawal, whose one-sided conversation was making the rest of the family nervous.

"Daama is fine.  Natasha is in surgery.  We don't know anything about her yet."  said Chiku, then he hung up.

Dhawal fell to his knees.   Chirag reached him first.  "Dhawal, what happened?  Isha, Natasha - what's going on?"  asked Chirag

"Sundeep attacked Pandya Niwas.  Isha hit her head and went unconcious.    Natasha was stabbed and was in surgery.  She's at City Hospital.   She can't leave me, Chirag.    I love her, Chirag.   I love her, and she hates me now.  She told me she loves me, and what did I do?  I didn't trust her.   I had to push her out of my life because of Mots.  She didn't want the annulment or divorce, but Mots did.  And Ma was so happy.  My happiness didn't matter.   I thought if I got Pandya Store back to her and her family, she would be at least happy.    She was supposed to be happy.   She's in surgery, and Chiku doesn't know anything as the doctors haven't said anything."  Dhawal cried in Chirag's arms while the rest of the Makwana's were crowded around.

"Let's go to the hospital.   They need our support."  said Chirag, getting up along with Dhawal.

Amba was about to say something when Amrish held her arm and motioned her not to.

Everyone arrived at City Hospital and saw that the Pandya's were in the waiting room, along with Isha, who had a bandage on her forehead.  Amba rushed to Isha and started, fussing over her.  

Dhawal rushed over to Chiku and asked, "How's Natasha?  Did you get any news?  What is going on?"

"Natasha is still in surgery.  She was home with Isha and Daama.  Sundeep made sure that Daama wasn't able to help.  Isha tried helping, and she was pushed away, and she fell against the pilar and went unconcious.    She was stabbed by Sundeep.  He went to stab her a second time when we arrived home.  We will able to stop him, and now he is  back in police lockup."  

Dhawal smashed his fist against the pilar.  "I should have never left her.  I just wanted her to be happy.   Our annulment was a deal between Mots and I.   He gave back Pandya Store, but I had to leave Natasha.   Everything that has happened since then has been my fault.  I was jealous.  So jealous that in my anger, I said things to Natasha that I would never would.   And when I tried apologizing, she wouldn't believe me."  cried Dhawal, his words surprising the Pandya's.

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