Truth comes out - V2

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The Makwana's had just found out that Shalini Dave was the reason for Amrish's death, shocking Hetal, as she had done multiple things to hurt the family.  She went quiet.   They also found out about Natasha's family being the ones that died trying to save their father.

While Dhawal was in Mumbai, the Makwana house had received a visitor.  That visitor was none other than Shalini Dave with her manager.  She looked very fragile.  She was walking with a limp.   Shalini Dave had aged a lot.   Her manager discretely started to record the meeting.

"Hello, thank you for meeting me."  She looked around, "Dhawal?  Natasha?"  she asked.

"Dhawal isn't here.  And that Natasha no longer lives here after killing my husband, "  Hetal spat out.

"Actually, Natasha wasn't to blame for your husband, I was."  shocking everyone.  "This was all my fault.  In my madness, I was sure that Amrish's marriage to Hetal was a compromise.  That he still loved me.  So I was doing everything that I could so he would return to me.  I didn't care that he had a family.  Or the that he was a father.  All I cared about was what I wanted.   When Maji asked me to break up Natasha and Dhawal, I agreed, figuring it was a sure way to get to Amrish.  I even bad mouthed the Makwana family to Natasha, and she didn't take the bait.  Instead, she got mad at me for insulting you."  Shalini said, shocking everyone

"I was the one to convince Golu for the Safarai trip, and you guys went.  I had bribed the guides to take you where I wanted you to go.  And then, when everyone was busy congratulating Dhawal and Natasha, I pulled Amrish away.  I was blackmailing him with pictures and videos that I had of our past.    He was leaving the cliff when I slipped.  He went to get help, and somehow, Natasha found the pictures.   She believed him when he told her that I was his past, and Hetal was his present and future.  That made me mad.  You see, even though I was over the cliff, I could hear them, and my phone had fallen on the ground and recorded their conversation.  Do you know how many times I have heard it over the last 7 years.   Many times."  stated Shalini.

"Natasha's brother had come looking for her when he slipped.   Amrish and Natasha pulled him up, and he fainted when he was safe.  Then they tried to pull me up, and Amrish had slipped and fallen.  Natasha cried and begged him to hold on.  That someone would come and help.  But Amrish knew that was futile.  He made her promise to let him go, to take care of his family.  But it seems that this family is as ungrateful as their were over 20 years ago, when Arvind Makwana survived the earthquake due to a family that sacrificed their lives.  Arvind Makwana ended up passing a few weeks later, am I correct."  asked Shalini

"Yes,"  said Amba, crying.

"Well, that family was none other than Natasha's family.  Her parents, her aunts and uncles."  shocking everyone.  

"Why have you confessed now? Why not then?"  asked Chirag.

"Well, I am dying.  I wanted to apologise.  Repentance.  Before I go to my maker.  I don't have long.  And I realised that this is all my fault.  I don't recognize myself.  I used to champion to poor, for justice, and I had gone the opposite way.  What I did was criminal.   If I had left Amrish this alone, then Amrish would be alive, Dhawal and Natasha would be together, and her daughter wouldn't be abused by Hetal and her son, Golu."  stated Shalini, shocking the Makwana family.  They looked at Hetal, and she looked ashamed.   Since Natasha is the one who suffered the most, I have written all my property to her as my apology to her."  Shalini slowly got up.

"How did you survive?"  asked Bhavin.

After Amrish had fallen in, I was slowly pulling myself, along the cliff, holding on to the rocks.  I had almost made it to safety when a crocodile took a bite out of my leg.  My manager was able to get me to the hospital, but I lost my leg.  And now, I am dying of cancer.  I wanted to make amends before I left this world."  said Shalini as she slowly left.  Her manager got up and put the recording on the table as he left.

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