Supporting Natasha

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Dhawal couldn't  believe what he was seeing.   His mother was disrespecting Natasha, and Natasha was allowing it.   Natasha just ate out the bowl that his mother ate out of and washed her hands in.   

Once dinner was over, Dhawal grabbed Natasha's hand and pulled her towards their bedroom.

"Natasha, what was that downstairs?  Why didn't you take a stand?  Why didn't you let Ma disrespect you like that! Why did you stop me from defending you?"  asked Dhawal

"Dhawal, think.  If you defended me or got angry at them, nothing would be accomplished.  We could get angry, then we could leave.  We would be happy, but what about the Bhabi's? They would be suffering.   They would be under Maa and Amrish Bhai's control, under their orthodox thinking.  We need to change their mindset."  said Natasha 

"I don't know, but I will figure it out.  I left my phone downstairs, let me go get it."  said Natasha.

Natasha came back to the room upset.    She turned on some music to make some noise.  She was in tears, she couldn't speak, she rushed into Dhawal's arms, and just cried.  "I'm sorry," she cried over and over again.

"Ssshh.  What's going on?  You were fine when you left here a few minutes ago.  What happened?" asked Dhawal.

"Maa is blackmailing me.  Why me?  First Amrish Bhai and now, Maa.   But Maa, how can someone be so cunning?"  asked Natasha.

"What is it?"  asked Dhawal

"I have to get everyone sign a contract stating that everyone has to listen to me.  Otherwise, I will break the family.  I would leave and take you with me.  Why me?  Always, my happiness comes so close and then disappears.   Since I was a  baby, this has happened.  I have never complained.  We finally got married again, and I thought maybe my happiness was here to stay. " Natasha cried in his arms.

"Ssshh. I am confused about what you just said.  What do you mean happiness disappears from you," asked Dhawal

"I was 2 months old when Shweta Ma kidnapped me.  She was Chiku's birth mother.  I came home after 7 years.  I was already sick by then.  The reason I lost my kidneys was Shweta Ma.  It was then discovered that I was the missing Pandya.  Dhara Ma gave me her kidney, so I lived.  That is why Chiku is so overprotective of me and vice versa.   Then my family, my bade parents, my parents, and both sets of chacha and chachi's died in the earthquake.  They died trying to save a man stuck at the bank.  Then, we also lost Chiku in the chaos of the earthquake.   My whole world disappeared 15 years ago.  And nothing was the same again.  We got married, and I was starting to feel happy again, and then you know what happened."

"And I promise you that you will be happy I am always with you.  Now, let's beat this game of Maa's.   But first, let's me call Chirag."  said Dhawal

Dhawal and Natasha went to the washroom, and they knew that nobody could listen in there.   Dhawal called Chirag and put the call on speaker.  Natasha quickly explained what was going on, shocking Chirag and Dolly.    Dhawal explained that he was going to let Maa think that her plan was a success.   But he needed their help, as he didn't want to break his relationships as he had done a while ago.  Dolly agreed and said that she would get Pranali on board, and then they would get Hetal Bhabi included.  It was agreed that Dolly and Chirag would  protest but would quickly sign the contract.   Dhawal hung up, and they went back to their bedroom.   Natasha hugged Dhawal.  He nodded. He motioned her to start the game as he quickly signed the contract.

Natasha called everyone out and got the signatures.  Amba faked crying and also signed the contract with Pranali and Bhavin supporting her.  Taking her to the bedroom afterward.  Chirag and Dhawal glanced at each other.  Dhawal motioned to Natasha to head over to the terrace.   Chirag, Dolly, and Dhawal headed up to the terrace to hide.

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