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Lucy could remember the sea breeze flowing through her hair. The aroma of seawater and sand filled her nostrils. The way the sun kissed her skin. She never wanted to forget the way the sand went between her toes with each step before she dove into the lukewarm water. She never wanted to forget anything about the sea because she got to share the experience with Gojo.

The sandy beach Dagon dragged them to couldn't compare to that. Not even close.

"Domain Expansion: Horizon of the Captivating Skanda," Dagon cast from the water.

Lucy felt something slash on her left shoulder. She looked around and saw a piranha swimming away from her, in the air. Lucy gripped her sword as the piranha shikigami vanished.

So this is how he's going to attack us, she thought. Her eyes went toward Naobito. He easily used Secret Art: Falling Blossom Emotion. The anti-domain technique protects the user with their own cursed energy, so Dagon's can't-miss attack is countered.

Dagon knew right away that Naobito would be a problem. He planned on using 70% of his technique on him while the other 30% was aimed toward Nanami, thinking he's the next big threat.

Dagon clapped his hands together and mentally chanted, Activate technique: Death Swarm.

More piranhas jumped out of the water with their mouths opened, ready to eat the team.

"Maki, Lucy!" Nanami called out. "Those shikigami will not come straight at us. Instead, they'll just instantly eat us alive!" The girls gripped their weapons. "Don't think about it! The moment you feel any type of contact, just start cutting them down one after another! That's the best you both can -"

A few shikigami hurled themselves toward Nanami. Lucy quickly ran in front of him, using one hand to push him back, while her entire torso crystalized. The shikigami that tried to eat them were split in half, starting from the mouth and down, once they went through Lucy's chest.

"Lucy!" Nanami shouted.

Another piranha tried to chomp on Nanami's shoulder but Lucy decrystalized her chest to slash her sword across the shinigami.

"How'd you know that would work?" Maki wondered.

"I didn't," Lucy answered honestly. A bunch of shikigami popped out of the sand and threw Lucy in the air before they consumed her.

Nanami went to follow but more shikigami surrounded him before they each devoured him. Naobito tried to connect Dagon's technique to the Domain until more shikigami were thrusted his way. Dagon used the moment to hide between the shikigami and punched Naobito. The punch was so strong that Naobito's body went hurling across the forest and back to the beach. Naobito tried to fight back but Dagon appeared behind him

"Maybe you understand, now, that the sea is the source of all life," Dagon said. Maki yelled as she held her spear up in an attempt to attack, but a few shikigami knocked her back. "Weak." He glared at Maki as he brought his leg up. "You're first." His knee connected to her chest, sending her flying back. Naobito stood there as a shinigami continued to swallow him. "Death Swarm technique is an endless stream of shikigami." Dagon raised his fist to call more shikigami. A few launched themselves out of the sand and devoured Naobito after launching him into the air.

The broken half of Maki's spear was tossed to the ground as she came out of the forest. "If you're gonna call me weak, then kill me in a single blow, Octo-bitch!" she shouted while wiping the blood off her mouth.

"I will and then I'll devour you," Dagon spoke. He held his hand up. "Just like the other three."

A loud explosion came from behind. A black shadow-like geyser sprung up from the middle of the water, gaining their attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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