Chapter 8

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Early in the morning, Zhou Mian took the dirty rabbit out of the nest.

"Let's go, we're going out."

The rabbit still had half of the grass in its mouth and was shrinking in little by little.

The little mouth is completely rounded, and the nose is also twitching, not to mention how cute it is.

Because he had to drive today and couldn't hold Tong Ling in his arms, Zhou Mian had to find a beer box filled with timothy grass and a changing pad, and put Tong Ling in it.

"You can't come out when I'm not holding you." Zhou Mian put the box on the passenger side and reached out to tap Tong Ling's bunny head.

The rabbit looked up at him and nuzzled his hand with his nose, as if to say, I know.

The car drove slowly out of the community. There was no music playing in the car. Zhou Mian could occasionally hear Tong Ling's "ta-da-da" sound of smacking grass.

It is said that rabbits do not understand human nature, but Zhou Mian felt that Tong Ling was extremely clever.

It is very good at using body language to express its wishes to Zhou Mian.

The road was slippery due to the snow, and the usually twenty-minute journey took more than half an hour to get there today.

When he unbuckled his seat belt, Zhou Mian turned around and saw Tong Ling lying on the door of the box looking at him.

The eyes are big and round, and the face is plump, a typical bun face.

The appearance of the young boy in last night's dream is very similar.

After this thought flashed through his mind, Zhou Mian couldn't help but complain about himself. He had been single for a long time, and even looking at a rabbit was pretty.

"We're here." Zhou Mian stretched out his hand towards Tong Ling.

The rabbit couldn't wait to kick the wall of the box with its hind legs and pounced on Zhou Mian's hand.

Zhou Mian held its little butt and took it out. Tong Ling curled up quietly in his hand.

In fact, many rabbits are not very close to each other and don't like to be hugged, but Tong Ling is on the contrary. Most of the time, he takes the initiative to lift Zhou Mian's trouser legs and lets Zhou Mian hug him, so as to let Zhou Mian know that he likes to be with him. Zhou Mian stayed together.

"Dr. Zhou, good morning." The new nurse greeted him warmly.

"Good morning." Zhou Mian nodded politely.

A month ago, the clinic resigned a veterinarian and a nurse, which immediately made the staff tense.

Zhou Mian has a good reputation, and many people like to send their fur babies to him for foster care and treatment. So at the end of the year, the three people in the clinic are often so busy that they are dizzy.

Qiuqiu and Xiaoyue were so tired from bathing the dogs and cats that they could hardly lift their hands.

Fortunately, two applicants came in these two days to fill the vacancies.

"Is this the rabbit brought for bathing?" Xiao Hu asked with a smile.


"I'll come, Qiuqiu and Xiaoyue are walking their dogs." As he said that, Xiao Hu stretched out his hands to take the rabbit.

The originally well-behaved rabbit's nose twitched, its ears immediately turned up, and its body tensed up, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Zhou Mian retracted the hand he extended, smoothed the rabbit's fur, and said to Xiao Hu: "Forget it, it's afraid of strangers."

"Ah, sorry, I forgot, rabbits are timid animals. "

Brother Mian, are you here?" Qiuqiu was sweating profusely from running, holding four small dogs in his hands.

"Thank you."

"I'm okay. The Samoyed Xiaoyue is holding seems to me bigger than her. I don't know if she is walking the dog or the dog is walking her." Qiuqiu panted.

"Hey, isn't this our Tongtong? Sister, please help you take a bath later."

"I'll let the dog out, Tongtong won't let me touch it." Xiao Hu naturally took the leash from Qiuqiu's hand.

"Really? This may be the first time I see you."

"I think so too." Xiao Hu half-bent his eyes.

He likes to laugh very much, and his narrow and upward eyes give people an eccentric look.

"I wonder if feeding it carrots twice more will make me look good on me."

"Yes, Tongtong is a more affectionate rabbit." Qiuqiu helped.

"That's great. I like rabbits the most." The word "most" in Xiao Hu's mouth was deliberately too heavy.

Tong Ling narrowed his eyes slightly and grinded his teeth.

The stench of the fox penetrated straight into the nose. The opponent was obviously a vixen who had just transformed into a human form. He couldn't even contain his own smell.

Humans can't smell it, but monsters are very sensitive to each other's smell.

Therefore, the other party must have recognized it as a rabbit spirit.

The fox is one of the natural enemies of the rabbit. Now that Tong Ling cannot transform into a human form, he is afraid that the vixen in front of him will not follow martial ethics and swallow it in one bite to replenish his spiritual power.

Although the monster world has enacted many laws and regulations in order to maintain order, there are still many monsters who turn a blind eye in order to take shortcuts.

Among them, carnivorous animals are particularly prominent.

They are naturally ferocious. Compared to herbivores, they have fewer natural enemies and more food, so they act particularly arrogantly.

It is also normal to devour monsters with lower spiritual power than one's own.

Tong Ling's whole body was filled with alarm bells. This was the first time he had met the same kind in so long since he came to the world, and he was very afraid that the visitor would be unkind.

"Brother Mian, leave Tongtong to me, you go and do your work first." Qiuqiu carefully took Tongling.

"Okay, I'm sorry to bother you."

"What's the trouble? Why don't you pay me a salary." The girl joked.

Zhou Mian laughed twice and said, "I'm so busy at this time, I need to increase my salary."


After the rabbit got rid of it, Zhou Mian saw that it was a little uneasy.

He took out a molar Mickey cookie from his pocket and handed it to Tong Ling, coaxing: "Be obedient, see you later."

Tong Ling bit the cookie and put it into his mouth with a "squeak" sound. Qiuqiu took this opportunity to take it He was carried into the beauty room.

There were four sterilization surgeries in the morning, as well as pets coming in for stool and blood tests.

The new doctor Bai shared some of Zhou Mian's work, which made him feel a lot more relaxed.

By the time work ended in the morning, it was almost one o'clock.

Qiuqiu and Xiaoyue also just finished washing the last kitten.

Zhou Mian didn't see Tong Ling in the beauty room, and immediately asked: "Where is Tong Tong?"

"Oh, Xiao Hu took him away. Xiao Hu fed the 'customers' at noon and said he would feed Tong Tong by the way." Qiu Qiu answered truthfully.

No matter how close the rabbit is, it will be afraid of strangers. Moreover, Tong Ling was extremely aggressive in the morning, and Zhou Mian was afraid that it would not adapt.

Not finding Rabbit and Xiao Hu in the foster room, Zhou Mian went to the rest room.

Usually when everyone is not so busy, they will take a nap and eat in there.

"Do you know that you and others..."

"Don't listen, don't listen, you bastard is chanting sutras!" The arrogant and soft male voice sounded familiar.

Zhou Mian stood at the door for a while and knocked politely.

"Please come in."

Pushing open the door of the rest room, Zhou Mian saw Xiao Hu standing by the dining table, holding his hands on the table, and Tong Ling was surrounded by him, half standing.

"Dr. Zhou, are you done?" Xiao Hu put away his arms and stood up straight, turned his head and smiled at Zhou Mian.

"Yeah." Zhou Mian approached the dining table, "I'm causing trouble for you."

"No trouble, it's cute." As he said this, he wanted to reach out and touch Tong Ling's head, but the rabbit nimbly dodged it.

Seeing this, Zhou Mian picked up the white rabbit.

Tong Ling's soft fur was blown fluffy, and he looked like he had gained weight. Qiuqiu also applied two small round lumps of blush on the sides of the rabbit's cheeks, making him look like a cartoon doll in a cartoon.

Perhaps because he had been away from him for too long, or perhaps because he was not accustomed to the environment in the clinic, Tong Ling went straight into Zhou Mian's arms after being picked up.

Zhou Mian usually stuffed the rabbit into his clothes to keep it warm when he went out because he was afraid of the cold. As time went by, the rabbit regarded Zhou Mian's arms as its second nest by default.

"It's really cute." Zhou Mian poked Tong Ling's little ears, paused, and then asked, "Are you alone here?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"I was outside the door just now. I seem to hear you talking to someone."

"Oh, maybe it's the speakerphone I just turned on on the phone." Xiao Hu replied calmly.

Zhou Mian didn't think much about it. He never had much curiosity about other people's affairs.

The two chatted some more about work, and Zhou Mian was about to leave with Tong Ling.

"Doctor Zhou." Xiao Hu suddenly stopped him.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Mian stopped and looked sideways at him.

"I heard from Qiuqiu that you picked up Tongtong?"

Zhou Mian nodded and said "hmm" softly.

"Can all stray animals in the clinic be adopted?" Xiao Hu then asked.

"Yeah, that's right."

The clinic has limited space, so sometimes they post adoption information on WeChat Moments. All the stray pets have been taken care of and vaccinated for free, so the adopted pets Quite a few.

"Then can I adopt Tongtong?" Xiao Hu pointed at the rabbit in Zhou Mian's arms.

Before Zhou Mian could speak, the rabbit in his arms became anxious.

The little paw kept pulling at the front of Zhou Mian's clothes. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zhou Mian felt that it seemed to flick his ears twice.

"Rabbits are not suitable for frequent changes of breeding environment." Zhou Mian said seriously, "Besides, I like it very much and want to keep it myself. If you want to adopt a pet, you can look at other places."

Xiao Hu shrugged after hearing this. Wei regretfully said, "That's it. I'm sorry, Dr. Zhou, I was too abrupt."

He seemed gentle and courteous, but only Tong Ling knew his strong and cunning side.

Zhou Mian's embrace was generous and warm, which made Tong Ling feel protected, and his anxious heart was relieved.

"I quite like it."

"I quite like it."

"I like it."

These words were like a spell, lingering in Tong Ling's mind.

The shy little rabbit held its mouth with its paws and smiled secretly. Sure enough, its vision was correct, and humans treated it sincerely.

It's not like that vixen just now, who coerced and coaxed me into cultivating with him.

No serious little rabbit would do such a thing!

It just wants, just...

"Have you found Tongtong?" came the girl's concerned voice.

"Well, I'm in the lounge with Xiao Hu."

"Has Tong Tong eaten?"

"Xiao Hu said I fed it."

Tong Ling cursed: I only fed him a carrot leaf!

The vixen was so bad that after Tong Ling rejected his invitation to practice dual cultivation, he ate all three carrots in front of Tong Ling.

What a cruel punishment for the hungry little rabbit!

"Xiao Hu is really hard-working and rushes to do everything." Xiaoyue from the side interjected.

Zhou Mian was noncommittal and was currently playing with Tong Ling's little paws, and said in a low voice: "This blush looks like a married bride."

Tong Ling's heart tightened: This, this is a hint to me ?

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