Chapter 19

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When Zhou Mian went home at night, he received a message from Hu Yang, saying that he was going to take a week off. There was an emergency in his hometown and he needed to go back.

Thinking that the clinic has not been very busy recently, Zhou Mian agreed without asking.

After dinner, Zhou Mian cleaned up the toilet for Tong Ling.

The rabbit curled up into a ball of fur and squatted motionless in the cotton nest.

The cotton nest is a newly bought one. It has the shape of a mushroom house. It is warm and cute. Tong Ling likes it very much. He often squats in it and closes his eyes to relax.

Zhou Mian looked at the rabbit in the mushroom house and couldn't help but want to take a photo of it. Just as he raised his phone, a small piece of fabric exposed under the rabbit caught Zhou Mian's attention.

Zhou Mian stretched out his hand, and the rabbit woke up, slowly came out of the cotton nest, and licked Zhou Mian's hand.

Only then did Zhou Mian see clearly that it was the shirt he had changed into yesterday and hadn't had time to wash it yet.

It was obviously placed in the laundry basket, so why did it end up in the rabbit warren?

The shirt was wrinkled, stained with rabbit fur, and there were traces of rabbit teeth on the cuffs, so it was considered scrapped.

Zhou Mian reached in and dug in again, socks, ties, and woolen hats, and asked him to take out a bunch.

He placed the clothes in front of the rabbit, wanting to educate him but not knowing where to start.

He had no choice but to bring the rabbit over, grab its paws and pat it twice, and said, "Don't get into the habit of biting clothes. You have a cotton nest, so you don't need to build another nest. Do you understand?"

Tong Ling said Not very satisfied with what he said, she broke free from his hand, threw herself into the pile of clothes, and took the things into the nest one by one.

Rabbits are not animals that are afraid of the cold, and Tong Ling has always lived indoors, so cooling down has nothing to do with it.

Most of the nest-building behavior in domestic rabbits is due to pregnancy, but Tong Ling is a male rabbit, so this reason has also been denied.

Zhou Mian tentatively believes that it is because the rabbit likes him and he spends very little time with him, so the rabbit who is greedy for the taste of his master will pick up clothes to make a nest.

Okay, thinking about it this way, Zhou Mian can no longer blame the thief rabbit.

However, when Zhou Mian came home from get off work the next day and saw the rabbit spinning in the living room with his underwear on, everyone else was numb.

He washed his underwear promptly every time he changed them. Where did the pair on Tong Ling's head come from?

Zhou Mian entered the bedroom and found that the storage drawer of the side cabinet was wide open, and his underwear was stacked there.

As expected, Tong Ling was dug out there.

The rabbit with his underwear on his head couldn't find a clear direction because his vision was blocked. Zhou Mian picked it up from behind, took off the underwear on its head, and said with a straight face: "I can't give this to you."

Pet . Doctors also have times when they are confused, such as: Can rabbits also become psychopaths?

On the afternoon of the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Zhou Mian, who had finished his day's work, was sitting on the sofa reading a book and drinking tea, when the door opened suddenly.

As expected, the person who came in was Su Yu carrying large and small bags.

While squeezing sideways into the house, he said, "I didn't see your car downstairs, so I thought you weren't home."

Zhou Mian put down his water glass and stepped forward to pick up things, saying, "My parking space is always occupied recently. They are occupied, so they parked outside the community."

"Who is so incompetent? You don't go to the property management to ask." Su Yu shouted loudly.

Zhou Mian said calmly, "It's okay. The license plate doesn't look like it's from Fuyun City. I guess I should leave in the next two days."

"You're the only one with a good temper." Su Yu muttered.

"I went to the real estate agent, but he still parked there every day. I also called him, but he didn't answer." Zhou Mian shrugged.

"If he wants this, I have to smash the car for him." Su Yu said angrily.

"Those who celebrate the New Year are too lazy to be angry." Zhou Mianyun said calmly.

He commutes to and from get off work fairly regularly every day, and has never met the car owner. The other person seems to be avoiding him intentionally, not answering the phone or coming forward to solve the problem.

Meeting such a scoundrel is really a headache.

Zhou Mian is not very fussy, but if he has a hot temper, he will really puncture the tire and damage the car.

"By the way, my mother asked me to bring this for you." Su Yu sat on the sofa, leaned forward, and took out the things in his pocket one by one, "I gave you two bottles of hot sauce, I told you No need."

Zhou Mian took the glass bottle in his hand, unscrewed the cap, smelled it, and said, "I really like eating the hot sauce made by my aunt."

"Ah, and this, smoked rabbit, super good Eat, I ate a lot when I went home this time."

As he said that, Su Yu took out a dried whole rabbit.

The skin was peeled off, the forelimbs and hind legs were supported by wooden bars, and the ribs were clearly visible after the internal organs were hollowed out.


Zhou Mian turned his head and glanced in the direction of the rabbit house. Tong Ling, who had been sleeping, woke up at some point.

At this moment, he was peeking at them through the gap in the fence.

I don't know what has happened to this little rabbit in recent days. He is very lethargic. He usually looks like a high jump champion and jumps out of the fence when someone is not looking. Now he is guarding that place as long as Zhou Mian doesn't hug him. , it won't come out.

"How is it? Smell it, it smells delicious." Su Yu was still chattering.

Zhou Mian quickly wrapped the rabbit meat in a bag and said, "It's pretty good."

Su Yu also turned his head and glanced at Tong Ling, and raised his voice and said, "Then let's cook a rabbit to eat tonight!"

"Okay. Come on, don't say this in front of Tongtong." Zhou Mian scolded lightly.

"What are you afraid of? It doesn't understand." Su Yu leaned on the sofa, "If it really understands, it is a monster. Sooner or later, it will be made into a rabbit..."

The peeking rabbit fell back to the ground and turned his head. Yigulu jumped into the shelter.

When a rabbit feels danger or is frightened, it will run into the shelter. The small space can give it a sense of security.

Tong Ling rarely entered the shelter, and he had great trust in Zhou Mian and this family.

It was obvious that Su Yu had brought fear to it.

"Stop it, why are you scaring a rabbit?" Zhou Mian kicked Su Yu's foot.

Su Yu snorted coldly and retorted: "Does it really understand?"

Zhou Mian stepped into the fence. He knew that when a rabbit entered the shelter, he couldn't reach out to catch it, otherwise it would think that even there was not safe. .

So Zhou Mian placed a piece of Tong Ling's favorite milk-flavored steamed bun snack at the door of the shelter, and comforted her warmly: "Tong Tong, don't be afraid."

Tong Ling didn't come out, and looked at Zhou Mian with tears in his eyes, his twitching little nose, The long ears on its back make it look extremely aggrieved and frightened.

"No one will hurt you." Zhou Mian solemnly promised.

Tong Ling tried to move out a little, and a black shadow pressed over behind Zhou Mian.

When Tong Ling saw the man, he immediately shrank back.

"Why are your clothes in its nest?" Su Yu crossed her arms and asked in confusion.

"It's cold, so I padded it." Zhou Mian replied.

"I'll let you get used to it." Su Yu leaned over and looked at Tong Ling.

The rabbit hiding in the room was shivering and did not dare to look at Su Yu.

"Let's go and let it be quiet for a while."

Zhou Mian saw Tong Ling's uneasiness and pushed Su Yu away from the rabbit house.

"Ah, I almost forgot to give this to you." Su Yu took out two talismans from his pocket and stuffed them into Zhou Mian's hand.

"What are these?"

"Our boss gave them to you and asked you to post one outside the house and one at the door of the bedroom."

Zhou Mian: "Is your boss still proficient in this?"

"Then what, I heard that the previous generations of their family had some kind of Feng Shui. A master or a demon hunter... Well, I know that in the 21st century, this sounds a bit like deception..." Su Yu explained hard.

"Do you still believe this trick? How much did you pay for this thing?" Zhou Mian squinted at him.

"I didn't ask for money." Su Yu puffed up his chest.

"You know I don't believe this." Zhou Mian wanted to return the things to him.

"I've brought it all, just stick it on, and you won't lose any meat." Su Yu said plausibly, "Although I didn't ask for money, I am gay, and you can't waste the fruits of my labor!"

Zhou Mian:... ...

Su Yu turned his head away in embarrassment, raised his hand and scratched the back of his neck, "Oh, it's just what you thought. And he also said something was wrong with you, saying there was a black air between your eyebrows..."

Zhou Mian sighed and said helplessly: " Do you believe this? Isn't this the fortune teller's catchphrase?"

"No, just based on what he said, I definitely wouldn't believe it. Later, I also secretly checked some information about his family, and there is really something there. Before, his grandfather was still an iron rice bowl, and it was the kind of supernatural cases that needed to be handled by a special team. His grandfather was the team leader, and he didn't lie to me." Su Yu lowered his voice unconsciously when he mentioned that person.

Zhou Mian was about to say something, but Su Yu snatched the thing from his hand and went to find double-sided tape to stick it on.

"It's better to believe that this thing exists than to believe that it doesn't exist. Let's try it. What if it really works?"

Zhou Mian:...

After the talisman was attached, Su Yu put his hands on his waist and said arrogantly: "Now, let's see who can do it. Dare to come."

While Zhou Mian was cooking in the kitchen, Su Yu stepped into the rabbit's enclosure.

When Tong Ling saw him, he immediately turned his back and faced him with his butt.

Su Yu pulled the rabbit fur on Tong Ling's back. The rabbit still didn't turn around, but moved further inside. The whole rabbit was pressed against the wooden board of the shelter.

Su Yu said secretly: "You'd better be just an ordinary little pet, otherwise..."

"Su Yu." Zhou Mian stood up from the kitchen at some point. He looked a little unhappy and said coldly: " Come in and help, don't harass Tongtong."

Su Yu snorted twice, then changed to a smile: "I know, I know, don't be harsh."

The cold wind whistled outside the window, and the temperature inside the room was just right.

Tong Ling had a nightmare and was frightened. Yigulu rolled up from his cotton nest. He couldn't wait to crawl into Zhou Mian's arms for comfort.

Since becoming pregnant, it has been reluctant to use its spiritual power, so it no longer takes the form of a human.

Tonight it made an exception.

As soon as his hand touched the bedroom door handle, he was ejected and his palm was burned red.

Tong Ling subconsciously protected his stomach, but it was okay.

He sat on the ground blankly, looking at the solid wooden door so close, and started crying.

The old wounds are not healed, and new ones are added.

Tong Ling couldn't fight against the talisman. He changed back to his original shape and licked his injured claws.

"Husband... Tongtong hurts so much..."

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