Chapter 10

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is absurd and hot.

Zhou Mian considers himself a person with good concentration. At his age, he has met many men and women, including some with outstanding looks, but there has never been anyone who can tickle his heart like this young man. He is torn between reason and desire.

Unfortunately, he was not as gentleman as he thought, and his instincts won out.

The young man looked at him with bright eyes like a small animal, and whispered: "Don't be afraid, I know the secrets, and I can teach you."

"What are you teaching me?" Zhou Mian spoke in a dark voice.

His throat was tight, and the possessiveness was eating away at him little by little.

"Come down a little." The young man waved to him.

Zhou Mian leaned forward obediently, and the young man muttered something. The next moment, he held Zhou Mian's face and pressed his lips.

"We can start with the simple ones." The boy's cheeks turned red.

The tense string in Zhou Mian's mind was completely broken. He didn't even have time to ask his name, so he leaned forward and entangled with him.

The young man looked up at him with wet cheeks. Zhou Mian could no longer tell whether those were his tears or sweat.

If this is a dream, let him indulge a little more.

After the lingering time passed, Zhou Mian hugged him and kissed his temples.

"I want to eat tomorrow, tomorrow, a lot of...cao..." The young man said in a slurred tone with a crying tone, "I want to eat a bully me..."

Zhou Mian didn't hear clearly what he wanted to eat, Asked: "What do you want to eat?"

"Ding Lingling..."

The sudden sound of the alarm dragged Zhou Mian out of his sweet dream.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the familiar chandelier and white walls. There was no carved bed, no red candle, and no boy.

Zhou Mian raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, those charming images still lingering in his mind.

"Am I crazy..." Zhou Mian murmured to himself as he pinched his temples with his right hand.

He felt that he had erotic dreams too frequently. Could it be that he had reached the age of hunger and thirst?

Just when Zhou Mian was feeling ashamed of his ridiculous dream in the past two days, he felt an itch in his chest, and then a fluffy little head poked out from under the quilt.

"When did you get in?" Zhou Mian rubbed the rabbit's head lazily, "You are not afraid of being pressed by me."

Tong Ling: You have already been pressed.

The rabbit's eyes were moist and looked as clear as if they had been washed with water.

Zhou Mian took the rabbit out and touched its belly. It was round and soft, with no symptoms of flatulence. He put the rabbit under the bed again.

Watching it stagger towards its own rabbit toilet, its hind legs are slightly swayed to both sides.

The rabbit jumped into the rabbit toilet and looked at Zhou Mian. For some reason, Zhou Mian felt that it was almost ferocious and pulled a few beans to show him, although there was no change in expression at all on the rabbit's face.

It worked so hard to go to the toilet just because it wanted to eat some grass. Zhou Mian understood what it meant.

After staring for a long time, Zhou Mian compromised and said, "Okay, I understand, I won't stop you from eating."

Tong Ling gained some energy and jumped down from the rabbit toilet, trying to sit down. Wash yourself.

As soon as the butt hit the ground, it immediately bounced up again, which was really painful.

Zhou Mian noticed something was wrong with it. He lifted the quilt and got out of bed and walked to it. He squatted down and touched the rabbit's body to do a basic check. "Are you injured? I didn't really press you anywhere last night." Are you done?

Tong Ling bit his finger with his teeth, indicating that he was almost done, and Zhou Mian stopped.

After cleaning the rabbit's toilet, Zhou Mian took a large handful of grass and fresh carrots and put them in the rabbit house. Seeing that Tong Ling's appetite was as good as ever, Zhou Mian felt relieved.

The smell of sweat and a faint fishy smell went straight into his nose. Zhou Mian couldn't stand it, so he went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. .

The sticky sweat was washed away by the hot water, which also made him more awake.

When he went out after taking a bath, he saw that the rabbit that had just been eating breakfast was missing again. It always likes to "break out of jail" recently, but Zhou He was reluctant to raise the fence and kept it trapped.

Originally, he went to work every day and had very little time to spend with Tong Ling. He would not be able to bear it if it was not free again.

"Tong Tong. "Zhou Mian shouted twice.

Unlike cats and dogs, rabbits will respond with sounds.

Zhou Mian had to find it based on his feeling.

Stepping into the bedroom, the small white ball on the black quilt was particularly eye-catching.

It seems that this rabbit is Falling in love with his bed.

Zhou Mian stepped forward and rubbed its back. The rabbit lazily opened its eyelids and looked at him.

"You can sleep on the bed. Zhou Mian stroked it gently and continued: "But you can't bring your grass to the bed to eat." "

Tong Ling had a bad habit before. Whenever Zhou Mian was away, he would bring his molar cakes and tikka to the sofa to eat.

So Zhou Mian often saw crumbs of molar cakes and tikka on the sofa cushions . A straw pole.

He scolded the rabbit a few times. The rabbit seemed to understand human speech. It faced the back of the sofa, lowered its head, twitched its ears, and left a lonely figure for him. Zhou Mian's education It immediately turned into coaxing. There was no way, who could let him pretend to be pitiful?

But later Zhou Mian never saw Tong Ling's food scraps on the sofa again, thinking that he was really smart and could be easily fooled. Domesticated.

The rabbit nestled on the quilt was weak and nudged his hand with its nose, turned over and fell asleep.

"Crack." "

With the sound of the door closing, the originally sleepy rabbit woke up again.

It knew that the man had gone out to work, but now it was still wrapped in the man's smell.

That kind of aggressive, clean, and sunny smell.

Little The rabbit demon really likes him.

The man is not as gentle as he appears. On the contrary, Tong Ling felt a different side of him last night. It was like someone else lived in that man's body, always appearing inadvertently. , torturing the little rabbit demon.

Tong Ling's whole body ached, and it wanted to rub it, but its small claws were really inconvenient.

Tong Ling changed his position and lay on his side, memorizing the art of transformation in his mind . Again, my body seemed to hurt even more.

"Listen to me as promised...human beings are indeed big liars." Tong Ling complained in a low voice.

"I said I would finish the cultivation, but I still didn't stop..."

At this point, everything from last night came to mind again.

Tong Ling patted his face and shouted in a low voice: "Don't be an immoral rabbit!"

"Papa." There were two crisp sounds, and Tongling was stunned.

How can it still slap itself?

He stretched out his paws in front of his eyes, ah! The fur is gone, and the rabbit paws have become human paws!

Tong Ling touched his face in disbelief, and then touched his legs.

There is no hair all over my body, and my legs have become longer!

He crawled out of bed on hands and knees to find a mirror.

There is a full-length mirror in Zhou Mian's bedroom. Tong Ling is squatting in front of the mirror. He is a human!

Ahhhh! Tongtong's transformation was successful!

When excited, the rabbit's ears habitually turn upward.

Wait, bunny ears... humans don't have bunny ears!

Tong Ling shook his head and his long ears moved accordingly.

He reached back again and saw that the rabbit's tail was there...

He looked neither human nor demon, which was not good-looking at all.

The husband will definitely not like it, and may even kick him out out of fear.

He had heard about the python spirit before when he was in the demon world. He said that the snake spirit accidentally drank realgar and exposed its snake tail. His husband immediately found someone to deal with him and dispersed the snake spirit's century-old practice. If it hadn't been for the fox clan A young hero came to the rescue, but he might even lose his life.

Tong Ling covered his mouth in fear, and a frightened and tender face was reflected in the mirror.

It must not be exposed until the human form is repaired.

The double-open glass door was opened from the inside, and a group of people walked out one by one, arranging their clothes while talking and laughing.

When the cold wind outside blows, the smell of hot pot stuck to the clothes goes straight into the nose.

Considering that everyone has a lot to do during the Chinese New Year, Zhou Mian invited a New Year's Eve dinner in advance and booked hot spring tickets in the evening to reward everyone in the clinic.

It's been a very hard time for everyone, and it's just enough time to relieve fatigue.

After changing his clothes and sitting in the soup pool, Zhou Mian noticed that everyone was looking at him strangely.

Su Yu sat next to him, bumped his shoulder, winked and asked in a low voice: "Are you in love?"

Although Su Yu was not from Zhou Mian's office, as Zhou Mian's only friend, he was naturally the same in this situation. Here I am.

Zhou Mian:?

Su Yu: "Don't fight with me. Don't worry. I will never tell my mother until you both stabilize."

Su Yu's mother was particularly worried about Zhou Mian's personal affairs and always said that she wanted someone to accompany him. , often arranged blind dates for him.

Now, if his mother knew that Zhou Mian was in love, he would inevitably ask her to go back to eat and chat, so Su Yu could especially understand Zhou Mian's "secret love", after all, his mother was really verbose.

"No..." Zhou Mian answered honestly.

"No?" Su Yu frowned slightly, then lowered his voice, "Is that a one-night stand? You're not afraid of getting sick!"

Zhou Mian's face was full of doubts, "What are you talking about?"

"You were not caught on your back. Is it? Don't tell me that you scratched it yourself. Only a ghost will believe it. "

On the back?

Zhou Mian subconsciously touched it with his backhand.

"What's wrong with his back?"

Su Yu saw that he didn't seem to be pretending to be stupid, so he took a photo of him with his phone and said, "Did you really scratch it yourself?"

Zhou Mian stared at the photo and pursed his lips tightly for a long time. , he asked softly: "Do you... believe in the existence of monsters?"

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