Chapter 17

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Tong Ling woke up from the pain.

He felt as if his whole body was falling apart and had no strength.

After pulling his short legs several times, he got up from the ground.

There are still familiar layouts and smells around, so nice that it hasn't been taken away.

Before it fell into coma, it clearly saw the black bear spirit walking towards it, so why did it regret it?

Did the nine-tailed fox agree to cancel the engagement?

Tong Ling went to the coffee table instead, where the divorce form had been taken away. It seemed that it had been successful.

Tong Ling was so happy that he wanted to laugh, but the corners of his lips hurt.

It had no choice but to rub it with its paws.

The rabbit spirit is now covered in wounds. It has no medicine and cannot heal itself. Its spiritual power is also unstable due to the attack, and it cannot return to its human form for a while.

It had no choice but to lean against the foot of the sofa, flipping up its fur and licking its wounds.

Tong Ling was glad that he was a rabbit, and his fur covered the scar tightly so that his husband would not notice it or suspect it.

It has already thought about it. When it forms a complete human form, it will erase its husband's memory of it, and then use the human form to get to know her husband again and grow old with him.

When the husband grows old and dies, it will provide him with care until the end of his life! It can be both a companion and a son!

When her husband is reincarnated again, she will look for him again and provide for him in his old age!

The more Tong Ling thought about it, the more beautiful it became, and the wound no longer felt so painful.

When he licked his belly, he felt something was wrong.

When did your belly become so big?

It remembered that the black bear spirit had slapped it on the abdomen. Could it be that his evil energy was left in the stomach?

Tong Ling quickly touched it. No, it was not the evil spirit of the black bear spirit.

Usually the evil spirit of foreign demons will conflict with one's own spiritual energy. If the evil spirit of foreign demons remains in the body, it will be in agony by now.

And what's in its belly is clearly its own, or in other words, it's a new product accepted by its body.

What will it be?

Before Tong Ling had time to think too much, the sound of "Didi Didi" pressing the password sounded outside the door.

It remembered that its husband said in the morning that he would go home early today, and it quickly sat up straight.

Along with the cold air, there was also the man that it longed for.

The man closed the door and changed his shoes at the entrance.

The snack bag in his hand also "clattered" with the movement.

The lights suddenly turned on, and his heart moved no matter how many times he looked at his smiling eyes.

"Tongtong." The man stood not far away and called its name.

Tong Ling endured the pain and jumped towards him step by step: Come on, husband!

The house is filled with the faint fragrance of black tea.

It was rare to have such a quiet and beautiful time. Zhou Mian sat on the sofa, reading a book and drinking tea.

Tong Ling sat on his lap and ate apple slices, refusing to get down no matter what.

Zhou Mian read a book for a while and looked at rabbits for a while.

The rabbit took a big apple slice in his mouth, chewed half of it, and dropped the other half under Zhou Mian's belly.

Tong Ling pressed his paws on both sides and lowered his head to look for its snacks in the bulging place.

It seemed like it had bad eyesight. After sniffing for a long time, it couldn't find its apple slices.

Zhou Mian had no choice but to lift the squatting rabbit away and joked: "Why are you such an unruly rabbit?"

Only then did Tong Ling realize what he had just sniffed.

It turned around in shame, not daring to look at Zhou Mian.

Tong Ling thought: At this time, I have to pretend not to understand anything. After all, I am just a little rabbit.

At the right time, Zhou Mian's cell phone rang suddenly.

He looked at the caller ID and it was Hu Yang's number.

Zhou Mian's smile faded and he leaned on the sofa to pick up the conversation seriously.

"Dr. Zhou, I'm sorry for worrying you this morning." Hu Yang's voice on the other end of the receiver was weak.

"Are you okay? Have you gone to the hospital?"

"It's okay, I've been to the hospital already."

"Why did you run away alone this morning?"

Zhou Mian didn't quite understand what Hu Yang was doing. Qiu Qiu said that Hu Yang looked like It was quite serious, but at that time, he disappeared into thin air without even saying hello, and lost contact with me for several hours.

Hu Yang coughed twice and said hoarsely: "Qiuqiu always likes to make a fuss. I just thought it would be unlucky for you to see blood during the Chinese New Year, so I went to deal with it myself. I don't know when my phone was set to silent, so I didn't hear it."

Zhou Mian was doubtful. Even over the phone, he felt that the man's condition was not good.

"What did the doctor say?" Zhou Mian asked.

Hu Yang on the other end obviously didn't react and said "Huh?" in a daze.

"Did you really go to the hospital? What did the doctor say?" Zhou Mian asked again.

Hu Yang hesitated and said: "Well... I didn't say much... I just asked him to eat more chicken to replenish his body..."

Zhou Mian:?

After a while of silence, Zhou Mian sighed and said, "Are you at home?"


"Where is your home?"


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Mian realized that the rabbit had crawled onto his arm for some reason. The little ear is also pressed against his mobile phone.

"Are you still eavesdropping?" Zhou Mian lifted Tong Ling and placed him on the sofa.

He stood up and started to get dressed, then went to get the keys hanging on the closet in the entrance hall.

Just as I was getting ready to go out, my trouser leg was bitten.

Tong Ling looked at him eagerly.

"Do you want to go out too? It's very cold outside." Zhou Mian knelt down and rubbed its head.

Tong Ling cupped Zhou Mian's hand with his nose and moved into his arms with small steps.

Zhou Mian had no choice but to go into the house again, find Tong Ling's clothes, put them on, and take him out with him.

Hu Yang's residence is about half an hour's drive from Zhou Mian's community.

Tong Ling lay lazily on the passenger seat. The air conditioner in the car was warm and the soothing and low music made him drowsy.

Just as it half-squinted its eyes, the car stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the passenger door was opened, and the cold and wet wind penetrated through the gap in the wide open door.

"Doctor Zhou." Hu Yang greeted politely. When his eyes fell on Tong Ling, there was a look of surprise in his eyes, but he quickly hid it.

He smiled and said, "Tongtong is here too."

Zhou Mian nodded and said, "Get in the car and go to the hospital first."

The rabbit was lying on the seat, looking like he didn't want him to sit here. .

Hu Yang said to Zhou Mian, "I'll sit in the back."

Zhou Mian just glanced at the cute rabbit and said, "Okay."

The car started driving again.

Zhou Mian asked: "How did you get injured?"

Hu Yang answered naturally: "I accidentally fell down the stairs."

The second floor of the clinic is the operating room, and someone needs to go up there to clean and disinfect it every day.

"Dr. Zhou, I'm actually fine. I don't need to go to the hospital..."

Zhou Mian said without changing his expression: "Qiuqiu said you vomited blood."

"No, Qiuqiu is exaggerating." Hu Yang explained, "Actually, it is. It's a nosebleed."

"To be safe, let's go get a checkup." Zhou Mian glanced at Hu Yang from the rearview mirror, "I'll pay."

Tong Ling, who was sitting in the passenger seat, climbed up and put his front paws on the car. Looking behind the armrest box.

Both it and Hu Yang saw confusion in each other's eyes.

Of course Tong Ling didn't believe that Hu Yang was injured by a fall. After all, how could an old fox who had lived for hundreds of years not even have such reflexes?

Similarly, Hu Yang didn't understand why Tong Ling was not taken away.

He knew that the Nine-tailed Fox's subordinates should have come to visit Tong Ling, and they had even fought.

Because he smelled blood on Tong Ling, the rabbit was also injured.

How could Tong Ling be someone else's opponent with his little cultivation? So how on earth did it repel those monsters? Or... it has help...

Hu Yang looked at the driver.

It's clearly a human body, but its body contains power that even demons can't resist.

Hu Yang's clenched right hand slowly loosened his grip. The palm of his hand was abnormally gray-black, as if he had been poisoned.

Who is Zhou Mian? He can't see through this person now.

There are only a few people in the hospital.

Hu Yang was arranged to take a X-ray to see if there was any bleeding in the internal organs.

Zhou Mian held Tong Ling and sat outside waiting for him.

It's not that Zhou Mian is nosy. As the person in charge of the clinic, he should be responsible for every employee. Besides, Hu Yang was injured in the clinic. If he really left it alone, Hu Yang would have no way to tell his parents. explained.

After a while, Hu Yang came out, and Zhou Mian led him to the doctor's office.

After making sure that he was really fine, Zhou Mian felt relieved.

After coming out of the hospital, Hu Yang asked shamelessly: "Dr. Zhou, can I also spend the night at your house today?"

Zhou Mian thought about what Qiuqiu said in the morning that Hu Yang was in a difficult situation, so he did not refuse.

In the evening, Zhou Mian cooked the meal and Hu Yang washed the dishes.

When Zhou Mian came out of the shower, he saw Hu Yang taking out a notebook and sitting at the table writing and drawing, while Tong Ling stood aside and tilted his head to peek at Hu Yang's notebook.

"Do you still have the habit of writing a diary?" Zhou Mian asked.

Hu Yang scratched his head and said, "No, it's just keeping accounts."

Zhou Mian did not ask Hu Yang what accounts he kept. Instead, he took Tong Ling and politely said good night to Hu Yang and went to the room.

"Dr. Zhou, the money you transferred to me..."

"You can take it first. Didn't you work overtime for two days?"

"It was less than two days and I left early today..."

Zhou Mian yawned. Wu Zhi said: "You have finished today's work, so it counts as one day. There is no need to bear any burden. This is what you earned through hard work."

In fact, Zhou Mian had already paid them the salary and bonus at the end of the year, and paid them back the day before the New Year. Everyone received a large amount of red envelopes.

Although Zhou Mian was not a wealthy man, he was very generous to the people he worked with and carefully maintained their self-esteem.

Such a person does not look like a villain, but there is something evil in his body.

The night sky is pitch black, and the floor-to-ceiling windows cannot let in a trace of moonlight tonight.

After Tong Ling watched Zhou Mian fall asleep, he quietly got up.

He opened the bedroom door and saw Hu Yang sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

Hu Yang took out a bag of corn kernels from his bag, put it on the coffee table, and said to Tong Ling, "Let's talk?"

Tong Ling hesitated for a moment, but walked over.

His spiritual power has recovered a bit and he can now maintain his human form again.

The scars on the rabbit in human form are easily visible, especially the large bruise at the corner of the mouth.

"What are you talking about?" Tong Ling asked.

"A lot." Hu Yang pushed the corn kernels towards Tong Ling, "For example, how did you transform? How did you stay? Who is helping you behind the scenes? And... is Dr. Zhou a human being? ?"

Tong Ling felt that his question was inexplicable and said unhappily: "Why should I tell you?"

"Maybe we are on the same station?"

"You just sold me yesterday, and you are on the same station with me today? "The corner of Tong Ling's mouth twitched, "I am a rabbit, not a fool!"

Hu Yang shrugged and said, "I know this is not convincing. In return, I will tell you a secret about Dr. Zhou."

Seeing Tong Ling Ling looked suspicious. Hu Yang raised his right hand, pointed his palm at Tong Ling, and said, "I guess you want to know."

The corn kernels on the table exuded a waxy fragrance. Tong Ling just opened his mouth, but he couldn't hold it back. Suddenly there was a "yue~" sound.

He covered his mouth and retched, and Hu Yang's expression immediately became solemn.

Tong Ling was still wearing his floral cotton-padded jacket.

The coat will change as he transforms.

The boundary between the colorful jacket and trousers exposed the white belly flesh, which looked bulging.

Hu Yang asked strangely: "Are you pregnant?"


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Rabbit spirit wife is super cuteWhere stories live. Discover now