Chapter 25

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Tong Ling is a demon, it can see all spirits.

The big dog in front of him had his head cut open. Even though it was completely unrecognizable, Tong Ling still recognized it at a glance.

It looked very anxious, barking at Zhou Mian all the time, and even raised its paws to bow.

"It's asking for help." Tong Ling said to Zhou Mian.

Zhou Mian is a human being. He cannot see the rhubarb that Tong Ling mentioned, so he can only make a rough guess based on its description.

"Could it be..." Zhou Mian had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Can you always see it?" Zhou Mian asked.

"Yes." Tong Ling affirmed, "It wants us to follow it."

Zhou Mian went back to the house, took a coat and put it on, and said, "Let's go."

He held the rabbit in his arms, and the rabbit guided him all the way. .

"It turned a corner," said Bunny.

Zhou Mian trotted all the way, his breath forming a cloud of white air in the cold air.

On Lantern Festival night, every house is brightly lit, but this alley is damp and dim.

Zhou Mian recognized that this was an alley behind the vegetable market. Most of the people living there were old people selling vegetables. It was close to the vegetable stalls, so it was relatively convenient to set up stalls.

"It stopped, it's this house." Tong Ling stuck his head out, "I seem to smell the smell of blood."

Zhou Mian's hurried steps gradually stopped.

This is a low bungalow, the door is ajar, and a dim light shines through the crack in the door.

Zhou Mian stretched out his hand and slowly pushed it open. The house was very small and he could see the bottom at a glance.

There was an old man lying in the middle of the living room, his head bleeding.

"Uncle Qin." Zhou Mian stepped forward eagerly.

The old man's eyes were closed tightly. Zhou Mian stretched out his hand to check his breathing. He was still alive.

He dialed 120 and sent the person to the hospital first.

Fortunately, the old man was fine. With the doctor's treatment, he woke up soon.

The doctor said it was just a skin injury and there were no symptoms such as concussion.

Only then did Zhou Mian feel relieved.

He pushed open the ward door and saw the old man on the bed with distracted eyes and a sad look on his face.

Zhou Mian remembered that whenever he saw this old man in the past, he was always a kind and friendly old man who loved to smile and was enthusiastic. He was not like this.

He pulled up the bench and sat down beside the bed, and called out softly: "Uncle Qin."

The old man slowly turned his head and responded slowly: "Doctor Zhou."

Zhou Mian asked with concern: "What happened? Are you there? Why are you hurt?"

Uncle Qin's eyes wandered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Rhubarb, it..." Zhou Mian hesitated and considered his words.

Hearing Dahuang's name, Uncle Qin finally came to his senses, and two lines of tears flowed from his muddy and sunken eyes.

"Rhubarb... gone, gone." He kept repeating it, his throat seemed to be blocked, and his voice was old and hoarse.

"Did the condition relapse?"

"No, it was beaten to death by that beast, beast! Beast!" Uncle Qin became more and more excited as he spoke, and his withered hands tightly grasped the white quilt.

Zhou Mian patted Uncle Qin's back to cheer him up, and handed him a glass of water.

"Don't get excited, please speak slowly."

Uncle Qin closed his eyes and his tears became more intense.

It turned out that not long ago, Uncle Qin's son Qin Zhao came to him again asking for money.

He was idle and addicted to gambling. In the past, when he didn't have enough money, he would steal it or borrow it from everywhere.

Later, everyone knew about his virtue, and he could no longer borrow money. Uncle Qin also moved his bankbook and tied the rhubarb to the door.

Dahuang is gentle to everyone, but he is particularly cruel to that beast.

He didn't get any good results every time.

Qin Zhao went back and forth to hold a grudge against Rhubarb. As the Chinese New Year approached, he played more cards and needed money even more.

I came back secretly and wanted to sell some things at home, but I didn't dare to approach Dahuang when I saw it.

The first few times he tried to poison the rhubarb, rhubarb was so smart that he walked away after smelling it. Instead, he poisoned many nearby rats.

Uncle Qin was wary of this incident and tied Dahuang into his home.

But during the Chinese New Year, it is inevitable that we will visit relatives, and it is inconvenient to bring a dog with us.

Uncle Qin originally thought that Dahuang was safe at home.

I never thought that while Uncle Qin was out, that beast opened the door of his house with a few friends, beat the rhubarb to death, and cooked it into a hot pot.

When Uncle Qin came back, there was only a dog skin left on the ground.

Uncle Qin called the police. When the police found Qin Zhao, he said that he was bitten by a dog when he went home, and he beat it to death because he was angry.

Is it illegal to kill a dog? You don't need to pay for your life, right?

It was just a dog.

Yeah, it's just a dog.

The incident was settled, and without Dahuang's protection, Qin Zhao became even more unscrupulous.

He came back tonight to ask for money and had an argument with Uncle Qin. Qin Zhao pushed him to the ground, took the money and ran away. Even though he had a bloody head at that time, his son didn't even look back. .

"Call the police," Zhou Mian said.

Uncle Qin shook his head and said, "It's useless. He came out after a few days in prison. A person like him is already rotten. It won't be useful for a long time in prison. It would be better to die. Why doesn't he die?"

Zhou Mian? He patted Uncle Qin's hand, wanting to comfort him but not knowing what to say.

The anger in his heart has reached its peak.

It was late at night, Uncle Qin fell asleep after taking medicine, and Zhou Mian also took Tong Ling back home.

Tong Ling saw that Zhou Mian was in a bad mood.

When Zhou Mian was lying on the bed, the rabbit came up and rubbed his face and said, "Husband, don't be unhappy. The big yellow dog has always been with grandpa, protecting him in another way."

Fortunately, it was the big yellow dog tonight, and it was also a good thing . Tong Ling is a little monster who can see spirits, otherwise it's really hard to say what's going on with Uncle Qin.

Zhou Mian kissed Tong Ling's plush forehead and said, "Thank you."

The dream was dark.

A voice prayed clearly in Zhou Mian's ears: "Please, let him die, let him die, I am willing to pay any price!"

"Even if I go to hell, I am willing to do so!"

"Husband, Husband!"

The weeping voice was interrupted by another voice of anxious concern.

Zhou Mian opened his eyes and saw the little rabbit demon with an anxious look on his face.

He turned into a human form, and the expression on his face was extremely clear at this time.

"Husband, you finally woke up." Tong Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

"I just slept too deeply." Zhou Mian rubbed his temples, but felt sweat on his hands.

Tong Ling had already twisted the wet handkerchief, wiped his forehead thoughtfully, and said, "Did you have a bad dream?"

Zhou Mian forced a smile, "I don't remember."

Tong Ling had a complicated expression. Said: "You became so angry just now. I smell a different smell."

"Really?" Zhou Mian said lazily, "What kind of smell?"

"I can't see clearly either."

Zhou Mian pulled the little rabbit's hand. Hand, let him lie on his chest.

The violent feeling in his heart finally subsided, and he asked: "Did it scare you?"

"No, I'm just worried about you."

Zhou Mian's hand touched the back of his neck, and then touched his rabbit ears. He said, "I'm lucky to have you."

Tong Ling raised his face, kissed Zhou Mian's chin, which had grown a little stubble, and said, "Well, you have me." For

several days in a row, Zhou Mian came to work after work They would take Tong Ling to see Mr. Qin.

Although he was not seriously injured, he was old after all, and the doctor recommended that he stay in the hospital for two more days of observation.

As soon as Zhou Mian walked to the corridor of the ward that day, he saw Uncle Qin's ward door opened.

A man with a withered face came out.

He passed by Zhou Mian, looking down at the thin red book in his hand.

The man's figure disappeared at the elevator entrance. When Zhou Mian entered, Old Uncle Qin sat dejectedly on the hospital bed.

Zhou Mian put the soup on the cabinet and asked, "That was your son just now?"

Uncle Qin nodded, "He called me and said he wanted to sell the house."

Zhou Mian: "What did you say?"

Qin The uncle chuckled and said, "I only have one nest. I'm afraid that he will dig out the real estate certificate at home and use it as a mortgage loan, so I will deceive him."

"What did you give him?"

"The bankbook. "

There was silence in the room. In the bankbook was the hard-earned money that Uncle Qin had earned over the years, working from dawn to dusk, and he kept it for his retirement.

Zhou Mian sat down naturally, opened the soup bucket, and said, "Let's have something to eat."

"I was just thinking, if I had a knife in my hand..."

"Do you really want him to die?" Zhou Mian Interrupting him, "Even if he is your son."

"They say it's the father's fault if a son doesn't teach him. I consider myself loyal and honest throughout my life, and I have never taught him crooked ways. He is not like my son. He has been like this since he was a child. His mother and I have been fighting each other for sneaking around, and we have talked a lot about it, but it has never had any effect."

"My wife was so angry that he died of a heart attack, and he also peeled and boiled the rhubarb. Father, I no longer expect him to fulfill his support obligations, but he even wants to suck my blood dry." Uncle Qin's chest heaved violently, and his voice became choked and angry: "Why do I still want him to be alive?"

"On him. , only human nature is inherently evil! It cannot be educated!"

Zhou Mian patted Old Uncle Qin on the back and said, "Don't get excited, take care of your own body first."

"Dr. Zhou, thank you, actually I didn't want to live last night. I thought that if I died like that, would he become a murderer? Will he be sentenced to death? Die with me in the curse. I can't teach him well, I can only use my life to take him away. Get rid of this cancer."

Zhou Mian: "Are you willing to use your own life to take his life? At any cost?"

"Yes!" Old Uncle Qin said loudly.

Zhou Mian opened his mouth and was about to say something when the rabbit in his arms came out of his clothes.

It crawled to Uncle Qin's hand and nuzzled his hand with its nose.

Uncle Qin didn't know why, but faced with such a cute rabbit, he couldn't help but gently touched its little head.

Zhou Mian stared at the small ball, his eyebrows stretched, and said, "It's comforting you."

Uncle Qin's eyes were moist and he said, "It's great, rabbits are better than humans."

After coming out of the hospital, Tong Ling took a look. Seeing no one around, he whispered: "Husband, please advise Grandpa Qin not to act impulsively. If you harm your direct blood relatives, you will be punished by God. It is not worth it for such a person. He has been kind all his life and should not have grown old. It breaks the good fortune accumulated in this life."

Zhou Mian: "Do you believe in God?"

Tutu affirmed: "Of course!"

"Then why doesn't God punish people like Qin Zhao?"

"I heard from the patriarch. , God loves the world and focuses on transformation. When mortals make mistakes, they will be given correct guidance and given multiple opportunities to choose. If they still persist in their stubbornness, they will pay the price for their sins in this life when they go to the underworld."

Zhou Mian Smiling lightly: "What a god who loves the world."

"Is there something wrong?" Tutu was confused.

"No, what Tongtong said makes sense."

I hope that the people in the world whom God loves will not choose the wrong path every time.

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