(Ain't no other man)

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April's POV:

"Well thank you for the amazing dinner" Mr.Benson- Bryan said to my mom. Mom blushed a little and smiled at him.

Mom turned towards dad and spoke with him in Italian. She was asking about dessert.

"Well my wife made dessert and she would love for you to eat it" He smiled and nodded his head sitting back down.

I still can't believe Mr.Benson is dad's boss. But how can he be dad's boss and our teacher at the same time?

Maybe I should ask him. Andrew was in the living room and mom and dad were busy cutting the cake and stuff.

I tapped his shoulder. He turned and looked at me. I felt myself going hot, his looks are getting me crazier each minute.

"Yes April" He said huskily. Oh god I will melt!

"I was um, just um, wondering, how can you be my teacher and my dad's boss?"

"Well I'm originally your dad's boss and own the company. But I only work there on the weekends. So I had free time so why not become a teacher for fun" He said amused.

I nodded my head. Wow maybe I could do that to.

"So what do you want to be when you grow up?" He said looking at me with his head leaning against the chair.

I moved around in the chair until I sat uncomfortably.

"Well I've actually always wanted to be an English teacher" I said truthfully. He looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Wow. Looks like I'm a great role model" I rolled my eyes and ended up smiling.

"Actually you’re not my role model. I've always wanted to be a teacher since I was five" He nodded his head.

"Chocolate cake" Dad said. Mom put a slice of chocolate cake in our plates. I got the fork and took a piece out putting it into my mouth.

I had the urge to moan from the chocolate goodness.

"I'm sorry but I'll be back in a minute. I've got to talk to Andrew" Dad said walking out the door.

"Wow this is an amazing cake" Mr.Benson said from next to me. I smiled and took another bite and I couldn't hold it in anymore.

I moaned at the back of my throat and closed my eyes in delight

"Mom this is so good" I said opening my eyes and speaking with cake in my mouth.

"Chiudi la bocca e mangia" (Close your mouth and eat) Mom said scolding me. I looked at her apoligetically.

"Sorry" I said going back to eating my cake.

"You speak Italian?" Mr.Benson said. I nodded my head.

"Wow I wasn't expecting you speaking Italian" He said.

"Well I'm full of surprises" I said shrugging. My body froze in shock, as I felt his hand on my leg. My fork ended up falling onto the table.

"April stai bene? Si guarda tutto teso. Qual è il problema"? (April is you ok? You look all tensed up. What's the matter?) Mom asked looking at me in worry.

His cold hand stayed there as he carried on eating his cake as if he didn't know where his hand was!

"Mi sono appena ricordato che ho appuntamento con Cameron domani" (I just remembered I have a date with Cameron tomorrow) I said. Mom smiled widely and winked

His hand left my leg and he put it on the table. Did he just understand what I said?

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