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We watched the movie together and it was actually really funny. He always made a funny/stupid remark on how cliche and horrific the movie was and I would just roll my eyes.

At the end scene when he comes running to kiss her-awww it just melts my heart.

"Alright April, come on let's go and get changed and then head of" He got of the couch and switched of the TV from the side, I complained as he looked at me briefly.

"I can't be bothered" I said complaining to him, I don't know why but I forgot about what happened and was getting really comfortable being around Mr Benson.

"April" He said sternly like dad does with me.

"Bryan" I said back in the same tone of voice, he sighed and stood a few feet away from me.

"We'll get late" He said like a baby.

"But we will be fashionably late" He shook his head from side to side.


"Fine, only because you let me watch that movie and because you are really nice"" I got up from the sofa and yawned stretching out my arms.

"I'm not nice" He said quietly, I walked over to him and stood so he could look at me.

"Who says you aren't nice?" 

"Are you seriously kidding me, I put you through hell these past few months and last year. Trust me April I'm a really bad person"

"Well you have clearly changed and change is good now come on" He gave me a small smile, he walked before me so I followed him.

He walked into a bedroom which looked like his. I'm not surprised that he is very neat and clean.

"This is the dress your mom gave with the jewerelly, makeup and heels. You can change here, I'll go change in the other room" 

"Oh I'll go and change in the other room, I don't mind" He shrugged and shook his head as a no.

"It's cool, I'll just grab my stuff" He took out a white shirt and trousers from his drawer and walked past me shutting the door behind him.

Looks like I need to get changed now.


Might I say the dress fitted me perfectly, I already wore the heels and makeup and well the oter stufff on but I was having a bit of a difficulty putting the back zipper up.

My arms were hurting me from stretching them to much.

"Apr-" I turned around and saw that Mr Benson was standing in front of the door as he just looked at me.

Oh he must have throught I ain't dressed yet but he was. He had a white untucked button down shirt on with black trousres with a loose black tie. "I'm sorry I never knew.....I'll just go" He was about to head out.

"Wait" He stopped in his tracks as he turned around to look at me.


"I need a little help with the...um...zipper" He looked at my eyes and then began making his way over to me.

One of his hand settled on my shoulder and the other began pullung the zipper up, his fingers were brushing against my bare back skin as he went up and up.

Electricty no sparks just went through me and that feeling of butterflies in my stomach. 

I looked straight and looked in the mirror to see him doing a button at the top, his eyes caught mine through the mirror. Unexpectedly, his hand fell to the pony that I did he started taking the pony out and my hair fell on my shoulders.

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