(Army of two)

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Me and Caleb were still laughing as we walked into the school people were giving us happy smiles. I guess it’s probably because of the fact that I’m smiling after a really long time.

“Wait…..how did you know about his name?” Caleb stopped laughing and took out his timetable for me. I looked at it and noticed that all of the teacher’s first names were on his timetable.

“Ah man, I wish I had all of the teacher’s first names. What were his parents thinking when they named him Bryan?” I told Caleb handing back his timetable to him.

“Well what were your parents thinking when they named you April?” He told me. I shrugged myself.

“They were thinking about the month I guess. ‘Hey she was born in April so then why don’t we just call her April’” I said mimicking my dad’s voice, because he was the one who came up with the name at the beginning.

“How creative” He said sarcastically. I nodded my head agreeing with him.

“That’s what I said, everyone else is like, no its sweet and most people don’t think of that so I just say to them you’re not the one with the name”

“True say” He said to me. I walked over to my locker and opened it getting out my English book. Behind Caleb’s shoulder I saw Hailey, Fiona and Selena coming towards my way. I waved at them, they waved back.

“I guess I’ll see you later then” Caleb said. I gave him a small smile.

“Yeah I guess I’ll see you later” He returned a small smile and walked past the girls. They looked at him go and then ran towards me.

“What was Mr Bad ass doing here? Please don’t say you fell for his charmingly looks and amazing personality?” Fiona asked. I laughed at what she said.

“No ‘Jean’ I never he is just being a really nice friend” Hailey’s eyes widened as she took in what I said.

“Are you seriously telling me he was talking to you without flirting?” She asked clearly shocked. I shook my head.

“Woahhh man I never saw this coming” Hailey said.

“Ohhhh la la April” Selena said laughing.

“Hey A- I mean Keira, how did you guys even meet?” I shrugged my shoulders and leant against the locker.

“We were in English and um we just started talking. He was in my literature class but we never used to really talk” They all nodded their heads together.


“Oh there goes the bell well come on Selena, let’s take a rounder then go to lesson” She nodded her head.

“Buy guys” Hailey and Fiona said, we all took our different directions.

“Ah man I can’t be bothered for English. We’ve finished all of our coursework so why can’t we just chill out?” I said complaining to Selena

“I know man he is such a dog” Selena said tiredly.

“Speak of the devil there he is and he just saw us” I told her. And I was right he was looking right at me.

“Let’s go then” Selena said. I looked straight at his face, making him feel uncomfortable and I did. This time he looked away. I walked past him in the classroom making sure to bump into him.

Caleb was already in the classroom, Selena went to her seat and I sat in mine turning around so I could speak to him.

“Hey best friend” He said to me. I sat back a bit.

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