We Must Have Faith..

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It took four days for you to return to Magnolia. Mr. Igarashi gave you your reward, and then some. You quickly made it to the train and soon got home.

Magnolia seemed darker then usual. The sun wasn't shining, the birds were not singing. You had used up all of your contact magic keeping Komo from pain the whole 4 days of travel.

You staggered out of the station. You haven't slept,or ate since the accident. Your mind raced at the thought of you best friend right in the grasps of death.

Nobody spoke as you walked back to the guild. You kept your eyes forward, unable to look at his broken body.

".. (Y/n)..." Natsu had stayed by you the entire way. He tried to feed him and give him water a couple of times on the train...but sadly to no avail. "He's going to be alright.." His voice was soft. He places his hand on Komo's forehead.

He shifted which made him sqweak. You looked down at him. His fur had dimed, his heartbeat has decreased drastically, and he took small short breaths. He was wrapped in the blanket you made him before he had hatched. It had his name stitched on the top in red.
When the guild doors came into view, you walked a little faster. Upon reaching the guild, you kicked the door open, making everyone look.

You could see the faces of shock as they look at Komo in your arms. You could hear some whisper in disbelief.

You take in a breath. Your mouth was dry. You opened it, which caused the guild to go silent. "H-help him.. please." Your voice echoed through the guild. Your eyes were locked on Master Mokarov.

He motioned for you to bring him closer. Without thinking, you take a step forward, almost tripping down the steps. As you walk.. the whole guild watched you. You could hear a sniffle and a voice mumble. "Oh my gosh.."

The master moves his hand across his arms, chest, and legs. Eyerbrows furrowed.

"Mira.. take them to Porlyusica." He rubbed his forehead, and lets out a breath. "Lets hope she can help.."

That last comment felt like a shot in the stomach. Mira grabes your arm. While following her, you feel the sad stares of your guild mates.

Your team moved as to give you room out of the guild.

Mira was even looking at you every once in a while. You feel the heat of the air on your skin as the only sound made was yours and Mira's footsteps. Then..

"(Y/n)!!" You turn to see the entire guild had followed you out. Some were crying, some were angry that Komo was hurt, then there was Elfman - he was both. Natsu stares at you from the front, Wendy had tears in her eyes. Even Erza had water works, and Gray was trying look tough but it wasn't going very well.

Lucy takes a step forward. "We believe in you, Komo!" She then threw up the fairy tail symbol.

Happy was soon beside Lucy. His face was tear stained. "You better come back to us!" With his symbol, slowly but surely the whole guild was soluting him.

Looking down at Komo, you see him mearly laying limply. You blink off the tears that were trying to flood over. You solute back, turn at continue to Porlyusica.

xXTo Be ContinuedXx

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