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Opening your eyes, you see your room. It had been straightened from the last time you were there but other then that, nothing had changed.

Sitting up, you feel that you still had on your shirt from the Demons Eye Guild. In the fresh sunlight, you can tell how old, tattered,  and how see through it was. You look at your flesh from the outside of the fabric. 

You jump as the door opens. "Hey!" Natsu comes in, followed by Erza. The more he walks in, the more you see his expression change. His eyes move slowely, examining every feature of you.

"What happened? Wheres Komo? What happened to Cecil?" You begin to leave your bed, making Natsu step forward and Erza thrust her arm in front of him.

She takes in a breath. "The Master used a lost magic only known to Fairy Tail. It only effects those whom the -- "

"Caster finds to be an enemy..." you didn't mean to interrupt her but you remembered Laxus telling you about it.

Erza lets out a laugh. "Thats right." Her warm expression changed in a second as her mind turned to the battle. "The scoundrel somehow continued to fight even after Fairy Law.. but that quickly ended."

You take in a breath. He's finally gone.. I can live now.. with the thought, you smile. It was as though bricks were lifted from your heart.

"So how is the rest of the guild? Was anyone severely wounded?"



"Hit her head rather hard but nothing too bad."

Relief fills you. Knowing they were okay.. was enough to send you to tears.

You fold the covers back and stand beside your bed. As you stood, you could see Natsu pull his scarf over his mouth. Before you could say anything, he mumbles something and leaves.

"Don't mind him." Erza sounded rather amused. You blink, trying to wonder what you had done to make him run off like he had.

You walk over to your dresser. "I will meet you at the guild, (Y/n)." You could hear her footsteps on your woodfloors. Before you could say your farewell,  she continued. "Everyone is glad to have you back, though I will apologize for all of us for taking as long as we did." It was then the door shut and silence screetched through your head.


I walk through the outskirts magnolia, hands on my stomach.

Whats wrong with me..?

My mind keeps replaying her image over and over. Her form through her shirt. Her perfect sillohuete through the thin fabric.

I lean my back on a nearby tree and look toward the sky. I let out heavy breaths as I kept thinking. My chest constricting even more.

I slid down the tree trunk, arms wrapped around my stomach. Stop..

I lean my head on my knees that were pulled up to me chest.

Her soft skin.. her beautiful smile..


As I sat, I heard footsteps come up to my left. "Natsu?" My eyes shot open as I heard the familiar voice. "Are you okay?"

I lift my head to see Wendy. Her eyes were widened in concern. "Yes."

She stepped forward and sat beside me. "You don't look it."

I take in a breath. I put a smile on my face and through my pain. "I'm fine."

xXTo Be ContinuedXx

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