Cecil Part: 1

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"Miss me, Sweetheart?"

His voice rumbled in your chest. It had sort of a 60s gangster feel. In the darkness his perfectly white teeth flashed in triumph.

"N-no." Your body shook from your head all the way down to your feet and back again. It was like you were looking death straight in the face.

He walked closer to you. Frozen with fear, you didn't move when the cold end of his gun barrel touched your forehead. "Please." Your voice was that of a child's. "Don't kill me." At your statement, the room erupted in in his deep laughter. 

"I'm not going to kill you. In fact -" It was then he moved the berral to your shoulder and pulled the trigger. "I need you alive. I may or may not keep you. You know... I might even sell you to one of the cartels back in Emory. " you lay there. His bullet was one he had used on You before. It was one that kept you alive but just bearly. Where you can hear and see what was going on, but couldn't respond or even move. "Isn't Emory that little town you loved?" He then sat down on the bed, sinking It In by your legs. "I made it In to a...what are they called? Concentration camps? All of the little villagers are now under my command. And thanks to your little escape,  I put tracking devices in them. So even if they were to escape, I could find them within the hour." Out of the corner of your eyes, you can see the evil radiating off of him.

I thought it was destroyed... the faces of the happy people who lived there flashed through your head. Their kind hearts were what got you through the days after your dad had left you.

You then feel Cecil's strong hands pick you up. "Now time to take you home. Oh! Don't worry about that little rat of yours, He's already there." His last words hurt worse then the bullet wound.

He made his way out the door, down the stairs, and out the front. There were no sounds that night, nor were there starlight. As your head hung over his right arm, you get one last long look at the Fairy Tail living quarters and one last look at freedom.
xXTo Be ContinuedXx

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