Eventful Day-49

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Harry’s POV

I sat there looking at her intently. She looked so nervous to tell me the truth. I want to know everything that she’s never told me. In order for us to work, we both need to trust each other. I already trust her, I always have, and to know she’s willing to tell me is giving me the hopes that she’s on the road to trusting me again. Also, the fact that she’s attempting to tell me everything is enough to convince me that she wants us to be together. She still wants us to be together and that helps me not want to give up on each other. By the way her expression is it looks as though she’s nervous to tell me. I’m just hoping that whatever she tells me will be something I’ll be able to handle.

“My dad and I both took her death hard. Neither of us saw it coming.”

I nodded grabbing a hold of her hand for support. I felt relieved when she allowed herself to keep her hands in mine.

“M-My dad took it a lot harder than I did.” She pursed her lips to the side. “I hardly saw him for days. I just thought he wanted time for him to mourn over her death.”

She bit her lip and looked down at our hands. I could tell she was trying not to cry. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, hoping to give her the confidence to continue.

“I didn’t think much about what he was doing at first because, well, I was mourning over her death too. I cried for days on end, and I understood how my dad must’ve felt. I was just as hurt as he was. She didn’t just leave his life, she left mine too.”

A frown placed on her delicate lips. I couldn’t help but frown myself looking at her depressed expression.

“Keep going, Love. You’re doing great.” I reassured tugging her hand a bit to grab her attention.

She nodded and continued. “Usually when I would see him, it would be in the morning. He’d be passed out on the couch. I never got to speak to him. But then one time he came around 11:30 at night...”

My heart began to race a little, I was nervous to figure out truly what bothers her about her dad. I have some ideas in my head, but I’m just hoping that it’s not true. I’m hoping the things that have found a place in my mind are just thoughts and nothing more.

“H-He turned to drinking... Usually I was asleep around the time he’d be home; I guess that’s why I never saw him till morning. But one night I couldn’t sleep. I was fresh out of tears and I was left with nothing but images of my mum in my head.”

“Tell me what happened, Sky.” I rubbed her hand gently and held it tight once again.

“I was watching TV; I just wanted to get my mind off everything. I was finally getting my mind off everything. I wasn’t thinking about my mom, I wasn’t thinking about my dad, I wasn’t even thinking about myself. All I was doing was wondering what was going to happen to the main character on the TV show. But then, I heard the door open and glass crash on the ground. At first I thought someone broke into the house. I had the phone in my hand ready to call the police, but once I saw it was my dad I put the phone down.”

“Keep going, babe, tell me what happened next.”

I looked her in her eyes and my heart sank. Her brown eyes were glossy, the frown was still on her lips and all I wanted was to see her smile. I knew by the look she gave me, she wasn’t ready to tell me. But I will push her until she tells me. She can’t keep this bottled up for much longer. She needs to tell me because I know I’ll be able to help her.

“He was drunk...a-and he looked so angry. I didn’t expect anything to happen. I-I wanted to help him. I got up to get him water to drain some alcohol from his body, but when I got up he hit me.”

Im Not Like The Rest, Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now