Back Home-60

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Skylar’s POV

Being back home gave me a relieving feeling. I didn’t realize just how much I missed everyone. My group of friends all picked me up from the airport. They practically attacked me with questions about what happened in California. Of course, I only gave them minor details. I didn’t tell them about the bad things that happened with my dad, just the good ones. And of course, they were not informed of Harry cheating or that we finally slept together. They just know that I had an amazing time and that I’m more in love with Harry than I ever was before.

They all came home with me, and when I opened the door, I was smiling brighter than ever. With the help of Uncle Simon, they threw me a surprise party. It was great! Lots of friends from Uni were there; our neighbours and people I met through Harry and the rest of the boys were there. It was such a great welcoming back. Even Eddy was there, but I was too happy to be mad that he was there. Plus, he didn’t do anything other than hug me and welcome me back just like everyone else did. I was happy that Eddy kept his promise that if I went out for ice cream with him he wouldn’t bother me much anymore. Not only that, but I’m almost positive that he and Maddy have a thing now. I hope things works out for them. As long as Eddy doesn’t do what he did to me, I hope he steals her heart.

 They had lots of food and my favourite cake. From chips to Caramel Apples, the junk food selection was endless. It made me even happier to see that Simon and my friends managed to bring a big chocolate fondue machine. I probably gained like, 12 pounds that night.

Simon gave me a long hug and kisses on the cheek and welcomed me back with pleasure. I didn’t think he would miss me as much as he did. He also told me we would talk about the trip tomorrow after everyone leaves and I get some rest.

There was lots of music, dancing and drinking. I didn’t get drunk of course. I was too tired for that. But I did have a good time. Everyone did.

We played stupid games like pin the tail on the donkey and musical chairs, yes they’re childish but it was fun because none of us have played it since we were 10.

Overall, my time back home was great. The happy vibe everyone had given me made me flutter with joy. My smile never left my mouth.

Once everyone left (around 2 am) I was exhausted. The jet lag and the lack of energy were all catching up to me. So right now, I’m about to hop in bed because if I don’t I think I might pass out on the floor.


Missed call From: Harry (8:55pm)

From Harry (09:00pm): Babe did you land? Give me a call. X
From Harry (09:45pm): Skyyyyy.... are you alive? Are you home safe? Xx
Missed Call From: Harry (9:59pm)
Voicemail From: Harry (10:02pm)

From Harry (10:42pm): pick up the phone; I want to talk to you... I miss you so much.
From Harry (11:15pm): You promised you’d call me when you landed. :(
From Harry (01:34pm): You must be sleeping. Call me in the morning. Sweet dreams. Xoxx

Once I read the text messages I mentally slapped myself. How could I forget to call him? But then again, I didn’t have the time. I really did plan on it, and I miss him so much, but I was preoccupied. I didn’t think I’d be busy the moment I got home.

I noticed the voicemail as well. I’m scared to listen to it because I don’t want to hear him mad (but that’s of course if he is upset). After a moment of hesitation, I called my voicemail and placed in my password and soon Harry’s familiar voice rang through my eyes.

“Hey baby.” He said. A short pause took place. “I miss you.” His voice was husky and I think I heard a yawn. “I hope you had a safe flight, when you get this call me, I love you.”

Im Not Like The Rest, Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now