A Day With The Boys -3

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Skylar’s POV

The next day came by too fast. I know, its summer and I have nothing to complain about but, I honestly wasn’t in the mood of doing anything today. My stomach and legs felt sore from a couple days ago, and now I have plans with a group of people I don’t even know. But they couldn’t be that bad. I don’t even know why I think that they’re bad people at all. I guess it’s because they’re all somewhat attractive and usually the group of attractive guys are ass holes, you know what I mean?

I hoped out of bed and checked the time, 10:37am. So I have about an hour and a half to get ready. As I started to walk around my room looking for clothes my legs started to hurt. Ugh, why do they hurt even more now than they did when they were first caused! Whatever, they shouldn’t be like that for too much longer. The doctor did say a couple weeks right? So not too long. I just want the pain to go.

I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a purple hoodie.  I wasn’t going to dress up for them and give them the wrong impression of me. I just met them and honestly I’d rather stay home today then go and hang out with them.

As I went downstairs to try to look for Uncle Simon, I found a note on the coffee table from Simon saying:

Good morning! Sorry I’m not here right now, had to head off to work early today. Have fun today with the lads and give me a ring if you need anything,


Well, I guess that means I can go out now. I checked the time and it was only 10:45.

“I’m not staying here.” I muttered to myself.  So I decided to go out and buy some breakfast from Star Bucks. And maybe I’ll make some conversation with Eddy again. He was pretty nice. And cute... and kind of hot but you know, simple conversation couldn’t harm right...? So I threw on a pair of flats and headed out for Starbucks.

After about 20 minutes I finally made it there, and I saw him flash me a smile when he saw me. I walked up to the counter.

“Hey,” I said with a little smile.

“Hey, what can I get yah?” He asked and before I could answer he said “You want the same as last time or something different?”

That was cute! He remembers my order! Awe!

“Yah that would be great,” I said “And for here please.” I finished leaving a 10 on the table.

I went and sat down at the same table I sat at last time. I pulled out my phone from pocket and played some temple run trying to waste some time.

“And here you go,” He said placing my drink and cake on the table, “Would you mind if I joined you again?” He said waiting for a response.

“Yah of course, sit” I said locking my phone and putting on the table.

“So how was yesterday, did you get a good look around town?” He asked me, getting comfortable in his chair.

“Yah I did, this place is amazing. I didn’t think I would like it that much. But I didn’t see a lot of the main attractions but I’ll save that for later.”

“Yah, this place is great.” He answered

“Yah...” I said awkwardly not knowing really what to say

We started talking about random things for about an hour and he was really funny too. He explained how people used to come here and order like, 6 different drinks and while he makes it they would ditch and not pay for the items or take the drinks. We talked about school, and how he was starting college after summer. He was a year older than me.

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