Do Something With Your Feelings Alright?-19

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DONT SHOOT ME- I'm aware this chapter is short but I did it because I didnt want this chapter to have the party in it. THE NEXT PART IS ALREADY FINISHED> and I think you guys are going to love it, but I didnt want this chapter to be super long so I split it, so if you guys comment n stuff I might just post it soon {:


* this isnt edited so sorry for spelling errors!



Chapter 19

Harry’s POV

It’s about two in the morning and I can’t sleep. Why? Because I can’t stop thinking about last night and how close we were to kissing. If Louis wasn’t such a knob then maybe we could have actually kissed.

It’s good to know that she was willing to kiss me, or more like wanted to kiss me. I feel like we are so much closer because we are finally starting to express our feelings to each other, and I like that. I like the way that we expressed our feelings last night.

There she is, snuggled to her pillow, her back facing me and I can honestly say it’s hard keeping my hands off her, her legs are exposed through the blankets and her shirt it pushed up to its around her belly button showing off some of her stomach.

I officially can’t control myself.

I found myself moving down closer to her and trailing my hand up her thigh, moving it slowly sending a tingling sensation down my arm. My up her thigh down the side of her butt and stopped by her stomach. I started tracing circles with my thumb on the edge of her stomach, feeling her soft tender skin.

“What are you doing?” Skylar mumbled, but didn’t move my hands or her position.

I didn’t answer, I just stretched my hand so it rubbed her whole stomach, I felt her skin shiver- in a good way- making smile as I scootched closer to her and wrapped my entire arm around her waist, holding a tight grip on her as I rested my head alongside her neck.

“Harry?” she asked tiredly.


“What happened to my personal bubble?” She mumbled.

“It popped.” I answered smiling as she giggled slightly.

“Why are you waking me up?”

“I couldn’t sleep,”

“Well, try to sleep now; it’s too early to be up.” She said, her voice was scratchy and sleepy, it was cute on her.

“Alright,” I said shuffling her body so it was pressed against mine; it was as though our bodies were shaped to be put next to each other because our spooning position was a perfect fit. Her body stiffened for a second, but she then let loose and drifted off to sleep

I soon enough found myself doing the same

“Harry, get up,” I was poked on my cheek.

“Seriously get up!” She whined and I just ignored it again covering my face with the blanket.

There was a moment of silence but I knew she was still in the room because I could feel here getting off the bed.

Im Not Like The Rest, Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now