Chapter Nintey-Seven

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Katniss POV-

I smile nervously at him and we go.

He holds my hand the whole way there, "You're going to do fine." He assures me.

As long as I can focus on the fact that I'm going to get one of the best gifts I've ever gotten out of it all, then I don't think it'll be too bad.

When it comes down to it, I have a fear as old as life itself about this all.

"I'm so happy that we are having a baby, Peeta." I mumble to him through gritted teeth, probably sounding like on being sarcastic as hell but I've never been so excited for anything before.

"Me too, Katniss." He says with a smile in his voice.

I love him so much words can't describe it.

I just want to cry I love him so much, so I do.

"What's wrong? Are you in a lot of pain?" He asks as I burst into tears.

I nod my head, "And I just love you a lot."

Peeta chuckles and gives me a sad smile, squeezing my hand tightly and then pressing his lips to the back of it, still focused on the road.

"Don't cry but I love you a lot too." He says and I smile sadly again.

The contractions seem to be every two or three minutes or so now when we meet Bristol and Annie in the parking lot they rush over to us.

"Katniss." Bristol hugs me.

I hug her back and then Annie hugs me and Peeta holds my hand as we go inside, finding Dr. Coles waiting for us in the labor and delivery rooms.

"Are you ready to finally have a baby?" She smiles too enthusiastically as we approach her.

"I guess so." I say and she leads Peeta and I into an examination room with nurses flocked around.

They make Annie and Bristol wait in the hall until I am in a room.

They strip me down and have me change into a gown.

Dr. Coles checks Willow's heartbeat and says everything is good, it's just a little faster than normal but it's common at this stage.

Then they check my dilation, "You're up to a seven." They inform me.

"Three more centimeters until you're going to push." Dr. Coles says, tossing her gloves into the trash.

"Put her in a room." She tells the nurses.

They try putting my in a wheel chair, "I can walk just fine." I tell them, annoyed.

Peeta helps me down the hall and they let the girls in.

"How are you feeling, Kat?" Bristol asks.

"I feel like shit." I say bluntly.

She chuckles, "I know that feeling." She says and Annie agrees.

Peeta sits next to my bedside and holds my hand tightly while they hook up monitors all across my belly and on the tips of my fingers and stuff. It's ridiculously uncomfortable on top of all the pain and awkwardness of the situation.

"Ma'am, would you like any ice or anything to drink?"

"Water." I say.

They nod and exit the room.

Another very painful contraction comes and I squeeze Peeta's hand tightly, his hand turns white.

"Ready for that broken hand?" I mumble to him through gritted teeth.

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