Kou's P.O.V.

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Kou's P.O.V.
There she lies, waiting for me alone in the cold living room. She is merely your average human girl with no particular talents nor traits but she is also... a girl I bet people would kill to get.

This girlfriend of mine isn't like those girls who get mad over little things such as forgetting their birthdays or anniversaries. [Y/N]... I have forgotten her birthday in the last two years we've dated and never once have we celebrated our anniversary.

I simply forgot.
And she doesn't even bother to remind me.

She is... just that kind and stupid.

The blond picked you up as gently as he could, carrying you back into your room. You had waited hours for him to come home and eventually fell asleep on the couch.

How long had it been since you last greeted him when he came home?

~ ~ ~

"You're awake?"

You let out a small groan, opening your eyes to see your boyfriend, Mukami Kou. A smile broke upon your face, "Good morning."

Kou was rarely ever home. He was an idol who had busy schedules, especially during this time of year. He was truly busy with his job but-- despite that, he still had the time for her.

Her, the girl he cheated on you with.

[Y/N] is perfect in my eyes.

Aren't I blessed to have someone like her to love me? I know right, I should've been glad to have her as mine and yet... I'm cheating on her.

I don't even understand myself anymore.

I might still be pretending to love her with all my might but I wonder if she already knows the truth. She never questions me, she never speaks to me about anything that may trigger a fight between us.

I bet she already finds out about everything but keeps it all to herself. True, that is so typical of [Y/N].

~ ~ ~

A few weeks passed and nothing changed.

Kou always came home late and there were also days where he didn't even return. You were upset but what could you do?

You loved him, you didn't want to lose him.

Because one wrong move might end it all.

Though today, you could not take it anymore. It was either all or nothing, you no longer wanted a half-ass love shared between you and some women you didn't know about.

You made up your mind and decided to confront him.

~ ~ ~

"Kou..." His name left your chapped lips.

"Hmm?" His reply came and entered your ears.

"Do you..." You spread open your mouth and swallowed the lump forming in your throat, "Do you still love me?"

His eyes widened, hands letting go of the magazine he was reading.


Your heart beat insanely loud inside your chest, it was almost everything you could hear. It beat at a constant pace but its noise seemed to increase in volume over time.

diabolik lovers drabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora