Scenario #4

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~~Their New Year Resolutions~~

Scar: Ehem, guys.
Vampires: '-'
Scar: Surprise, it's 2017 AHAHAHA
Vampires: *unamused*
Scar: Of course.
Scar: I'd like to ask you guys a question, please answer properly :)

Scar: It's 2017! What would you want to do this year? What are your new year resolutions!?!?

"I... would like to sleep more."


Shuu: *snore*

"Hm... That's a good question. I guess, I'd like to save more money. I spent so much because of certain idiots last year."

Reiji: *sigh*

"And maybe take a better care of my tableware and tea cups collection. Oh, I'd like to complete this current experiment of mine too."

Scar: Oh my, this is a proper answer.

"Nfu~ Now that I think about it, I didn't take so many girls on a date last year. Maybe I'll take 365 girls this year! Or maybe, double that number! Yes, yes! That's a brilliant idea. Right, Bitch-chan?"

Scar: No.

"Why would you want to know? What I want to do isn't your business, or is it?"

Scar: W-Well '^'

"But it's fine by me, I'll answer. I'd like to spend more time with Teddy and eat more sweets. I haven't been able to enjoy them much since Reiji kept on restricting the amount of money I used. I will not forgive him if he does the same this year...!"


"With MORE, I mean MOREEEE Takoyaki."

Scar: Ok.

"I've got nothing I wanna do! Go away!"

Scar: Just answer with anything.

"Tch, then maybe I'll try to reduce the amount of walls I punch."



"Time flies by so fast, doesn't it? It's already new year again..."

"Well, there are many books I'd like to buy and read but I haven't got that much free time last year. I hope I can spend more time with myself this year."

Scar: Aww.

"HM~~ My concerts last year was pretty disappointing, y'know? There was one time I messed up my dances on stage and the other time, my voice didn't come out properly. Maybe it's because I shouted too much."

"M-Neko-chans, continue to support me with all your might this year too, okay? I promise I'll do better! Hehe!" ε=ヾ(*・∀・)/

Scar: ヾ(。>v<。)ノ゙*

"I want to try harvesting melons and watermelons."

Yuma: *nod to himself*

"My carrots didn't grow really well last year too. I wanna do better."

Scar: Carrots ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"There... is a knife I really wanted. But Ruki... didn't let me buy it. He said I have so much already, Ruki doesn't understand.. This year, for sure, I will... obtain it no matter who stand in my way!"

Scar: Ggh, so cute *^*


Scar: ;-;

"What are you looking at me with that expression for, human? But that's a good question. I'd like to purchase more raw ham with better quality. Last year's meat was no good. They weren't suitable enough for the tongues of First Bloods."


Scar: No.



I'm still scared of Carla btw, that's why I ;-; XD

Oh, this is the 69th chapter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ehe

Requested by WolfieGirl17788 ^^

It's short but oh well *^*

The next one will be a longer, hehe ^^ Look forward to it~

And aren't you guys excited for the winter anime? There will be some amazing ones ggh *^* Like Hand Shakers >< I'm rly rly excited for them XD

Well then, see ya soon ^^


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