~~Typical Day~~ •Ayato•

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"...nn, mhm.. haa." Ayato moaned, sinking his fangs into the flesh of your neck. You put your hand at the top of his head, gently patting it.

"...the hell are you doing." He stopped sucking and looked at you eye-to-eye. "....patting your head?" You replied. Ayato's glare at you lessened and his face slightly reddened, "Tch."

You smiled and continue stroking his hair. He leaned in and buried his face in the crook of your neck. "Ayato, can't you take your activity elsewhere?" Kanato had a displeased face, tightly clutching Teddy. Ayato pulled away from you and had a smug smirk planted on his face, "Heh. What? You jealous?" An inaudible groan escaped Kanato's lips, "Shut up before I got this fork through your throat."

"Eehh.. I don't mind it tho~ Bitch-chan looks super dazzling while she's being sucked, nfu!" Laito joined the conversation, a huge grin on his face. That... somehow and for some reason, disturbed Ayato. He stood up and grabbed your arm, pulling you up too, "Let's go, chichinashi."

~ ~ ~

As soon as the two of you got into your room, Ayato pushed you onto the bed. He immediately pulled down your clothes to reveal more of your skin, "Really, the smell of your blood... is unbearable." He buried his fangs into your upper chest. You let out a moan of pleasure, "...aahh..!" And gripped his hair.


"Hmm?" Ayato slightly pulled away but he immediately bit you and sucked your blood again. "....i love you." You announced. That made Ayato stop for awhile. He stared at you, confused for words but he felt happy. "Heh, of course you do. It's this oresama after all." Despite his red face, he said that with all the confidence he has got. You grinned and opened your arms wide. It took Ayato a moment before he realized you were asking him to hug you. He was hesitant at first but he hugged you anyway, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. You had your arm around Ayato's neck while the other arm started patting Ayato's head. You knew he liked it so much, even though he never directly mentioned it >.<

You stayed frozen in place for a few minutes. The silence felt comfortable and relaxing, both of you liked it. However, Ayato decided to break it. "Oi... I want Takoyaki."

You were like → ??? What?? Now???

"Uh, then let's go buy it." You let go of him and he did the same. "Too long, I want it now. Go make it." He ordered. "...you do realize that we don't have the ingredients right."

Ayato → . . .

"Cih, dammit." He muttered, "Then, let's go buy the ingredients whatsoever now!" He exclaimed, standing up. "Why don't we just buy the takoyaki?" You questioned, cuz it would be faster right???

"Don't question me and do as I say!" Was his reply ><

~ ~ ~

"Now, hurry up and make it!"

The ingredients were all gathered up there, on the kitchen table. Now all that was left was to make it.

You nodded and started doing as he said.

Ayato watched your movements as you did, his eyes never leaving your form. The scent of your blood was easily smelled, since the full moon was the next day, his sense of smell got stronger. Not only your blood scent was there, there was takoyaki scents too and it got him impatient.

His mind was probably filled with why so slow, wtf, smells so good, i cant wait, when will it be done, argh, dammit, hurry up chichinashi, aaarrrggghhh or something something ><

Only cooking and cooking started to bore you. You decided to start up a conversation, "Hey, Ayato– wuuAA!" As soon as you turned around, Ayato was behind you. "What the hell, don't scream!" He exclaimed. You → ><

"Keep cooking." Ayato whispered, "And hurry it up.." You nodded as a response. Ayato's hands wrapped itself around your waist, his lips to the base of your neck and started sucking on the skin. "Aahh..." A moan unconciously left your lips, but you still continued to make the takoyaki >< After he was done sucking on the skin, he opened his mouth to revealed his fangs, piercing your skin with them. "...haagh, mhm..." Ayato moaned.

"...heyy, stupid. It's not good to suck while I'm cooking..."

"..shut up."

"NO srsly! If I suddenly got dizzy, I could probably burned the takoyaki!" After you screamed that out, Ayato went wide-eyed, immediately pulling himself away from you and stood beside you instead, awkwardly ><

You chuckled at his action. "That looks like it's done... hurry and put one in oresama's mouth." Ayato commanded. "It's hot." You warned. "I don't give a fuck, hurry up!!" You swore Ayato looked like he was about to jump up and down in impatience ><

"Here, aaah." You pricked one of the takoyaki and inserted it into his mouth. Ayato went wide-eyed, "THE FUCK--" See? See? See!? "I told you it's hot!" You exclaimed.

Ayato calmed down after awhile, "It's good tho." You smirked, "Ikr, it's me who made it after all." Ayato grinned, "I know." You → ???

"Could it be dat you don't wanna buy takoyaki cuz you want me to make it cuz you like mine the best??"

Ayato's face flushed red but it was almost unnoticable, especially since you were moving the takoyaki balls into a plate, "What the hell? Don't assume things, stupid! Don't you know shame?"

"Whaa? So I'm wrong??" You whined. "Of course, dumbass!" Ayato exclaimed.


ok dat some cute random fluff i made for ayato today! It's short tho ._.




QUOTD now! :
Do you own any kind of Dialovers merchandise thingy?? Or Drama CDs or chara songs or the game??

I have the first game, More Blood and Vandead Carnival. An Ayato pillow and a Laito fan keychain ><




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