naughty naughty in the library // kou

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Kou pouted, glaring at you who seemed to be enjoying the book you were reading too much. He glanced at his book then at you, his pout worsen.

The two of you were at the library, you wanted to read some books and Kou insisted on coming with you. You immediately took the book you wanted and started reading it. While Kou... he just took whatever book was there and sit with you.

"Nee, nee! M-Neko-chan, are you done yet?" He asked. You shook your head, "Not yet...."

He sighed, looking at the window then at your surrounding.

Kou → ???

He looked closely and then, his mishievious smirk was formed.

"M-Neko-chan~" He called.

You looked at him and.... he wasn't in front of you again.

You received a pat on your shoulder, before he grabbed your hand and pulled you up to stand.


"I'm bored~" He licked your ear. Shivers ran down your spine, "H-Hey, what are you doing!?"

He chuckled, "Look around and notice your surroundings~" he whispered.

You did as he told you and you went slightly wide-eyed, Dammit.

The two of you were alone in the library, you glanced at the window then at a nearby clock. It was really late, so it was normal for no one to be there, even the staffs had went home.

"What do you say about having some fun here, hmm? M-Neko-chan~!"

"Um, Kou-"

He pushed you into the window, capturing your lips into a kiss. You moaned and unconciously, you kissed him back.

Trails of saliva connected your separated lips as he pulled away. You saw his sadistic smirk for a moment, before he started unraveling the ribbons of your school uniform and unbuttoning the upper buttons of your shirt. He nibbled on your neck, giving you light kisses and sucks. "I mark you again, M-Neko-chan. You like it, right? When I mark you like this..."

"K-Kou..." You let out a meek whimper. He chuckled, biting into the flesh of you neck, "Nn..!"

"Mm..." You moaned, he started sucking your blood out of your body, moaning in pleasure. "Haa... so sweet... your blood." He bit you again, "O-Ow, Kou!" You yelped. Apparently this time, his bite wasn't as gentle as before.

"What? Did it hurt?" He asked, his playful smirk never leaving his face, "But you like it right? The pain I give you..." He trailed off, gently grabbing your wrist. You stared into his sky blue orbs and he stared into yours. Never breaking eye contact with you, he bit into your wrist. You bit your lips and let out a small whimper, Kou smirks into your skin, finally closing his eyes, enjoying the taste of your blood while moaning once in awhile.

"Hehe~ your face is red, y'know~" He giggled, tangling his fingers with those [H/C] locks of yours. You averted your gaze away, feeling your cheeks heated up even more. "Woah, it's even redder now!"

"K-Kou... Let's go home." You mumbled out ><

"Eh? Why?" He asked, "So that we can have more fun at home?"

"...wha? No, of course!" >///<

"It's getting WAY redder again! What did you just think of, M-Neko-chan?" He smirked.

"W-What? I wasn't really–"

"What was it?" His smirk turned into a naughty grin, "Nee, nee! Tell me! What were you thinking about?"

"N-Nothing, really!"

"Hm? Were you thinking about me...." He trailed off, touching one of your breast, squeezing it, earning a surprised yelp from you, "....doing this?"

"K-Kou! Stop it!!" >///<

He chuckled, "...or probably..." He lowered himself, to your knee, carressing your thigh. "A-Ah... Kou!"

"M-Neko-chan moans~" He mumbled, pecking kisses on one of your thigh. "Mm..! Kou, stop!" You tried to yell at him but fail horribly >< letting out only a whimper instead.

The kisses turned into licks, and the lickings soon turned into suckings.

"I mark you again~!"

"Hey, what are you doing! If you put it there, people can see it!" You complained.

"But wouldn't it be better if people see? They'd know that you're mine then."


"Sshtt! M-Neko-chan, no more talking. Let me finish my snack first..." He trailed off on his words once again, focusing on your thigh. He bit into the soft flesh, slightly moaning while drinking the sweet red liquid of yours. "K-Kou..." You moaned out his name, a smirk was formed on his face.

After he finished, he stood up straight, "I bet these isn't all that you were thinking, right~? M-Neko-chan has a naughty mind after all."

"H-Hey!" You → >▵<

He chuckled, "Then, let's go home, shall we? I bet Ruki-kun's waiting. You don't wanna make him wait, right? He could punish you."


"Or could it be... you're thinking of wanting to be punished by Ruki-kun? Ah, I see. You're into that, aren't you?" Kou → ^o^

"N-No, I'm not!!" ><

"Hehe!" ^^


Hehe, hello everyone~! ^^

As always, I dont know wut to title things with so I go with that >~<

I hope everyone's doing great! Cuz I am ^^

I can't think of any QUOTD cuz im too lazy to think at the moment >< So... That's all ^^

SEE YA SOON~!!! ^^/

(Psstt i spent a lot of time deciding which picture to use ><)


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