punishment? // reiji [LEMON]

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"Now, how do you plan on taking responsibility for this?" Reiji questioned, glaring at the broken pieces of teacups on the floor then at you.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll clean it up!" You apologized.

You had accidentally broke one of his beloved teacup. He ordered you to take it out, you did and as you walked towards him, you slipped and the tea cup fell, breaking into tiny pieces.

"No, wait. You do not need to clean this up, I will." Reiji volunteered. "B-But, it was my fault so–" You were cut off by Reiji's next words. "Did you not hear me? I told you that I will clean this up." He spoke up, pushing the glasses back into the bridge of his nose.

"But expect a punishment soon." An obvious sadistic smirk formed on his lips, sending shivers down your spine.

"As for now, please exit my room." He commanded as he turned his back on you and walked away to take the cleaning supplies.

"Yes." You replied before exitting his experimental chamber.


Now, you stood in front of his working desk, in his now cleaned room.

"Um, Reiji–"

"What kind of punishment do you want?" He asked with his emotionless face, his red eyes were glimmering, as if staring into your soul. You gulped.

"I am asking you." He narrowed his eyes.



"Can you just.. give me that Carbonara Eating punishment?" You awkwardly asked.

A smirk formed on Reiji's lips, "Hn. How typical of you."

"But the answer is no."

You mentally cried → (╥▵╥)

"If that's the kind of punishment you want then I have something better stored up my sleeves for you." Reiji smirks widen.

"R-Really?" You asked, feeling kinda relieved. At least, he won't be whipping you or locking you in the dungeon, right?

In a second, Reiji disappeared from your sight. You could feel someone's breathe on your neck, meaning Reiji was then behind you. He grabbed your wrist, "Your blood... indeed has a nice fragrance to it." He chuckled, before biting into your wrist. You shut your eyes tight, a small whimper left your lips.

After gulping some of your blood, he pulled away and turned you around. You went wide-eyed as soon as you saw his ruby-coloured eyes. They are always so beautiful, everytime you look at them, you're instantly captivated, you can't look away.

"Oh? What is this? Captivated by my eyes again, [Y/N]?" He smirked. You blinked a few times and blushed, now avoiding to look at him.

A chuckle left his lips. He started pushing you back, "R-Reiji?" You questioned, but before you know it, you were pinned onto his working desk.

"Ssshhtt. Stay silenced." He ordered. Nervously, you nodded. He removed your hair from you neck, showing him that sleek skin of yours. That caused Reiji to lick his lips, "With this, your punishment starts." He whispered, biting into your flesh. "A-Ahh!!" You yelped in pain, it had been a really long time since you last experienced immense pain from being bitten. "R-Reiji, it hurts!" You cried out. Reiji sighed, pulling away, "Of course it does. It's a punishment, right?" He glared at you, before continuing on gulping your blood. You bit your lips, whimpering as you hold back the pain. "R-Reiji....!" You gasped out, gripping his shirt. Reiji pulled away, sighing, "Good grief. Can't you stay silenced? Do you want to be punished more?" He asked, staring at you with his pissed off eyes. "I-I'm sorry." You quickly apologized, before it turned worse. He sighed again. But this time, he didn't do anything. Just staring at your figure, observing intently. You didn't know the reason, but being watched like that by Reiji... was really scary that you even started trembling, goosebumps appearing on your skin. Reiji scoffed, before chuckling, "What are you so afraid of? I am only watching you." You opened your mouth, to reply something. But you remembered, that you had to be careful with your words, or the punishment would be more severe ><

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