eyes // azusa

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Azusa's face showed disappointment, unable to find you. He continued walking around the mansion, to search for you. It had been almost half an hour but he had yet to find you.

A sigh escaped his lips.

"Nee, Justin? I'm feeling so.. lonely right now..." Azusa's lips curved to form a small pout, a sense of loneliness mixed with sadness was visible in his eyes.

"Where did [Y/N] go...?"



Azusa's eyes widen in surprise, the loneliness in his eyes was replaced with relieveness. His lips curled to form an grateful smile.

"[Y/N]... you're back." Azusa opened his arms and wrapped them around you.

"Azusa? Are you okay?" You asked.

"Yes... because [Y/N] is with me.. now."

You felt yourself blushed, "A-Anyway..."


You released yourself from him and stared into his purplish eyes. Azusa's eyes reflected curiousity, making him to look even more adorable then he already is. That face of Azusa's created a warm feeling in your chest, an involuntary smile appeared on your lips.

"Happy birthday." You grinned.

Azusa's eyes was slightly widen, "...today's my birthday?"

"Eh? You forgot? Your own birthday?"


'Goddammit he's so cute.' Was the only thing you could think of at that time.

"So... Have you got something you want?" You questioned, wanting to give him something special on his b'day.

"Something.. I want?" He repeated your question, "Hmm...."

"Oh. I have."

"And that is..?"

"Kisses... I want [Y/N]'s kisses." He grinned, his fangs showing.

Another streaks of red clouded your cheeks, "O-Okay, fine."

Azusa's smile didn't faltered. He took a seat on his bed, to make you easier to kiss him. Azusa's eyes showed anticipation, just with seeing those beautiful purplish orbs, a happy smile appeared on your face. And your happy smile, caused Azusa to smile happily too.

You leaned forward, not closing your eyes. Azusa did the same. The two of you leaned closer and closer, staring at each other's face without blinking. And finally, your noses touched, and soon, your lips met. And that was when you two shut your eyes.

Azusa smiled into the kiss, you couldn't help but to smile too. His soft lips pressed against yours gave you an unexplainable feelings. Azusa wrapped his arms around you and deepened the kiss. You really love having yourself in Azusa's arms. It gave you those warm and comfortable feelings, but most of all, it made you feel safe.

Out of oxygen, you parted your lips from his.

"[Y/N]... Kisses felt good... even though it's not painful.. I wonder why?" Azusa asked.

You chuckled, "You're so cute, Azusa."


As soon as you caught up to your breathe, you pressed your lips against his again. Azusa moaned, kissing you back in a mere second.

You parted your lips once more and smiled at him, before pecking the scar on his nose.

"Ah.. Hehe." Azusa chuckled.

You sat on his laps, making yourself comfortable there as you placed kisses on his neck.

Azusa moaned again, "It felt really good... [Y/N]."

You nodded, "I know.. That's why I'm doing it."

You moved on to his collarbone, placing butterfly kisses before sucking on the skin, placing a hickey. Azusa released some pleased moans and you were proud of yourself to be able to made him feel pleasure.

"Ahh... Justin."


You leaned backwards a bit, wanting to know what happened.

"Your wounds are opened, Azusa." You spoke up as soon as you saw blood on his left hand.

"It's okay..." Azusa gave you a reassuring smile. He then opened the bandages covering his wounds.

"Azusa?" You raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was doing.

"Nee, [Y/N]... Lick my blood."


You stared at the wound and the blood on his arm. You didn't particularly hate the taste or smell of blood, but you didn't like it either. The metallic iron taste made your tongue and mouth feel weird, and you aren't a vampire  so you of course don't find blood delicious at all. You looked at Azusa's gaze. His eyes told you that he was still waiting for you to do it. Aside from that, they also gave off a sense of plead. He really wanted you to lick the blood off his arms.

You hesitated. But you did it anyway. It was Azusa's birthday, after all. Well, birthday or not, you could never deny his wishes.

"Yes, [Y/N]... It feels good.. continue please."

You pulled away for a second to nod at him. You leaned forward again and licked the blood. The metallic scent made you dizzy, but you continued despite that.

Not only did you lick up the blood, you also helped yourself in licking and kissing the wound. It sent Azusa pleasures, the prove was his moans.


"Yeah?" You stopped to answer him.

Azusa smiled and placed a kiss on your forehead. You blushed.

"W-What's wrong?"

"Nothing... Thank you...."

You giggled, "You're welcome." ^^

"Let's sleep..?"


Azusa crawled up and laid down on the bed, you did the same and cuddled into Azusa. He chuckled, pulling on the cover.

Before you closed your eyes, you took a glance at his eyes. Azusa's eyes stared back at you, his eyes now showing love and happiness.

"Is there... something wrong?"


"It's just that.. I love you, Azusa."

"Hehe," he let out a chuckle, "I love you too."


AZUSA HAPPY BIRTHDAY >< my sweet sweet cinnamon roll, my beloved child HEHE ^^

That Azusa screenshot above is so adorable UGH ><

I just realized October's gonna end in 3 more days and Subaru's b'day is on the beginning of November....... TSUNBARU'S BIRTHDAY IS COMINGG!!!

Mmm~ Okay then see ya guys later~ (^^)~~~

Next is a requested •Ayato• oneshot ^^


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