chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

I was confused as why Jack wanted to meet up so early. I mean, yeah it was nice, but it was a surprise considering we usually met up anyway at the weekend. I waited till the end of the day, and I walked off fast, so Ella didn't catch me. I mean, she might have been my best friend, but I didn't want her to wanna meet Jack, not yet. Maybe later, I thought to myself.

I'd made good time, as I'd got home 20 minutes earlier than usual when I was with Ella. I sat on my garden wall, like normal, and waited for Jack. Eventually, I saw two guys far in the distance; one of them was Jack, and there was a complete stranger. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Jack, and I remembered my dream from last night.

I shook my head, and I looked at the other guy. He was smaller than Jack, and had brown hair that was both straight and curly. He looked rather muscular too. They were approaching rapidly now, and Jack waved. I waved back and he walked over to the wall, and I got up and hugged him. "Hey!" I said. I could see the stranger was just stood there, and I realized I'd made it awkward.

"This is Hanley." Jack turned to his friend. "Hey!" I repeated. "Hanley, meet Zack. He wanted to meet you, 'cause I was talking about how we watched Family Guy yesterday." "Hey.." Zack muttered. 

We sat and talked for awhile, all sat on my garden wall. Me and Jack talked usual nonsense, mostly about things like boners. they seemed to entertain us much more than Zack. He laughed a couple times, but apart from that, he barely spoke. A few minutes later, my mum pulled up the car next to the house, and smiled at us. "Hey Mrs B!" Jack exclaimed. "Hello Jack. You can all come in if you want you know, Hanley, you can bring Ella if want. You seem to have made a new friend, why not involve Ella?" I nodded as both of them followed into my house. 

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get Ella... Jack don't make a mess." I smiled as we reached the living room. "Ugh, fine... Can I watch my film?" He asked, pulling Home Alone out of the film cupboard. "Okay, if that's okay with Za-" He didn't let me finish my sentence, just leapt over the sofa and put the disk in the DVD player. 

It was 4:46, so I when I knocked on the door, I felt conifdent she'd join us. She answered the door, and looked at me confused. "Look who didn't walk home with me today?" She laughed. "Yeah, sorry about that, but I'm walking tomorrow? Anyway, come round to mine, I need you to meet someone..." 

We got to mine, and saw Jack was sat infront othe tv like a six year old, legs crossed and staring at the screen as Home Alone played. As I paused it to introduce Ella, he turned around and gave me an evil stare. "Hey you guys, this is Ella." Jack glanced at her, and Zack waved. "Oh, you're the Ella that Hanley talks about. Hey, sit." He moved his hands to summon us to sit and watch the film. 

We hung around for about 4 hours, until Ella got a call from her mum, asking her to come home. "Jack, Zack, you guys will need to go too. Can you walk home with her, it is 9:45 anyway?" I looked at Jack, and stuck my bottom lip out. "Fine" he nodded, and grabbed his jacket.

As I stood in the doorway, I hugged each of them when they left. "Bye you guys!" and I went back into the room to tidy up. Jack, had once again, left a big pile of pillows for me to tidy up.

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