chapter 43

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Chapter 43:

------Hanley’s point of view------

I’d been busy cleaning and cooking whilst Alex had been gone, and Jack had been keeping Max company. They’d been playing with Max’s toys, watching DVDs, and Jack had even taught him how to play his guitar. I loved watching them together, because Max always seemed so happy.

It was 9:15pm, and Alex had been gone for 3 weeks. I missed him so much, and was getting more and more concerned. I wondered where and why he’d been gone for so long, because whatever it was that was keeping him, it seemed more important than me.

Jack was in the kitchen making a pizza for us both, seeing as we hadn’t eaten yet. I was in the middle of cleaning the TV set, when in the mirror, I saw a reflection of Alex’s car pulling up into the drive. I out the door and into the garden, and Alex ran out of his car, giving me a huge hug.

I didn’t want to let go, I’d missed him that much. He kissed my cheek, and I kept my arms around him. “I’ve missed you so much!” He whispered, with a smile on his face. “I missed you too; don’t leave me like that again.” I smiled, a tear falling on his shoulder.

Whilst I was hugging Alex, I saw two figures approaching the flat; one unrecognisable. “Who’s this?” I asked, still smiling. It was dark, so I could only see as far as the street lamp would stretch.

 “This is Rian, I’ve not seen him in ages, so we caught up and I’ve been staying at his recently.” Alex smiled, and Rian shook my hand. “So, this is Hanley that Alex has been talking about! Nice to finally meet you!” Rian followed Alex inside, whilst I instantly recognised the other person; it was Zack!

“Erm, hey Hanley…” Zack stuttered, nervously. I tried to speak, but I physically couldn’t. I gestured for him to go inside, and he did so. I followed him into the living room, and Jack was introduced to Rian. The 4 of them were being very loud, Zack and Alex joking together.

Eventually, Max tried to quietly come down the stairs, and Alex, Jack and I all spotted him at the same time. I got to him first, and picked him up. “Daddy?” He smiled, his arms stretched out wide. “Yes, Max, It’s me!” Alex took him out of my arms, and took him over to Zack and Rian.

Jack must have noticed something was up with me, because he took my hand and dragged me to my room. “Okay, Hanley, what’s up?” Jack sighed, as I nearly broke down at the sight of Zack. “I… I can’t believe Zack’s here. After all Alex had complained about him, and now he’s stood there talking to him!” I sniffed, and I pushed myself into Jacks chest.

I knew that if Alex walked into the room right now, he’d probably get the wrong idea, but right now, I couldn’t care less what Alex thought. Jack patted my head and held me until I stopped crying, and started collecting his stuff together.

“What are you doing?” I sniffed, confused by his actions. “Alex is back, so I have to go home!” He laughed, cramming it al into his bag again. “But… Well, I suppose you’re right. Say goodbye to Maxie though before you leave?” I asked, admitting he was right to leave.

I walked downstairs with him and he began saying goodbye to Alex, and the turned to Max, who was still awake. “Goodbye Maxie! I’ll see you soon, yes?” Jack smiled, ruffling his hair. Max stayed silent, and looked at me, like he was confused.

“B- but Uncle Jack! Where are you going!?” He whispered, so only me and Jack could hear. “I have to go home Maxie! Your daddy is back now!” He patted Max’s head, but Max started crying. “No! I don’t want you to go!” He cried, clinging on to Jack’s chest.

Alex, Zack and Rian had all turned around now, and Alex looked at me with suspicion. “But Maxie, Daddy is home now!” I tried to smile, but the room was practically silent, with the exception of Max’s tears.

“But I don’t want Daddy! I want Jack!” He shouted, and Alex stormed out the room, running upstairs and slamming the door behind him. “Fucking hell.” I muttered, and Rian and Zack went upstairs to check on Alex.

“Max, I have to go home. You can come and visit maybe one day?” He tried to smile, but I think he felt the pressure too. “Why can’t you stay here though? He cried, not seeming to care about Alex at all. “Because I have to go and visit my big sister May later!” I knew that was a lie, but anything to get out of here seemed appropriate.

“Okay.” Max sniffed, hugging his teddy bear tightly. Jack got up and left, and Max was sat on the sofa watching Tom and Jerry, seeing as he wasn’t sleepy. “You wait here; I’ve got to see to your Dad now.” I sighed, making my way to the stairs.

In the hallway between Max’s bedroom and our bedroom, Rian and Zack were stood by the bedroom door, shouting. “C’mon man, let us in!” Rian shouted, knocking on the door. “He’s not opening the door, he must be real upset over what Max said.” Zack said, his eyes fixed on the door.

I went past Rian, and began to knock on the door lightly. “Alex, please, let me in. We can sort this out, Max didn’t mean it!” I yelled, trying to get him talk to me. “Alex, for fucks sake, stop being such a baby and let me in!” I shouted louder now, and I heard him unlocking the door.

I looked at him, and he looked a mess. He’s eyes were red, and his hair was all over the place. I tried to give him a hug, but he just shrugged me off. “Alex, why are making this my fault? It’s not my fault if neither me or him understand why you left us for 3 weeks to just miraculously turned up with my ex-boyfriend!” I lost my temper eventually and snapped at him.

“If you have a problem with Zack being here, then why don’t you just go back to Jack’s? I’m sure he’d much rather have you there! And take Max with you, if that’s what he really wants!” He shouted back, and I felt tears in my eyes at his reaction.

“Fine, maybe I will, maybe Jack will be able to stay with his family for 3 weeks rather than leave them without so much as a phone-call!” I shouted back, walking down the stairs. I looked over to where Max had been sat; he was gone.

I looked around, and my heartbeat started racing when I saw that the front door was wide open. I knew what Max had done; He’d gone looking for Jack. I ran upstairs, with uncontrollable tears streaming down my face. Alex was sat on the bed, looking sorry for himself, until he saw me.

“Hanley, what’s up?” He asked, panic in his voice. I tried to speak, tell him what’d happened, but I couldn’t. Eventually, I managed to whisper throughout my tears. “Max’s gone.”

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