chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

-----Hanley's point of view------

It'd been twenty minutes since Ella's call, and I regretted ever liking Jack. How could he tell her that it was my fault? I mean, most of it was, but not all of it. He must have blamed me, unless Ella is just blind. I threw my broken phone on the end of my bed, when my mum walked in. 

I'd been hiding the broken screen from her since Ella's text, but now she'd finally seen it. I would have to explain everything to her. "Hanley, what happened to your phone?" she inquired. 

After half an hour of endless questions, she finally got the situation in her head. "Aww, Hanley" she whispered as she hugged me. "There is a tub of ice cream in the freezer if you want it, that's what I used to do." she winked. Knowing my mum, I thought, she'd probably mean it aswell. "Anyway. I'm going out for about 3 hours. You going to be okay on your own?" I nodded and she left. 

After she left, I got off my bed and went for that tub of ice cream. It was irrelevant considering I'd been sick earlier, but I was sure it'd make me feel somewhat better. 

I was half way down the stairs, when there was a knock on the door. I carefully and slowly opened it, and was relieved to see Zack standing there, not Ella or Jack. But, my moment of relief was washed away by worry. Zack looked angry, almost devastated. 

"Zack? Zack, what's the matter?" I asked frantically. "Jack, that is what's the matter." he yelled. My heart stopped; he knew. "Did you get in an argument or something?" I said, acting dumb. It was probably a stupid idea, but maybe, there was a small chance of me getting it wrong.

"Don't act thick Hanley. You know what I'm talking about." he said, sitting down on the chair with his head in his hands. My eyes now failed to hold back the tears. I couldn't stand to see him in this state.

"Zack, I'm so so sorry, it was a mista-" I was cut off, by him standing and looking at me. "Hanley, I can't stay with you now I know about Jack. You can't accidentally fall for someone. And you can't fall for two people, not properly. Bye." he just walked out casually, a tear in his eye. 

He was halfway down the street, and I couldnt help myself. "Zack! Zack, please!" I fell to my knees, pleading. I couldn't loose him. If I did, I'd be alone. 

Zack just continued walking, not even turning. "Well done, slut." I turned around, to see Ella stood behind me, a small smirk on her face. "Ella! You did this?!' I could feel anger building side me. I just wanted to punch her.

"Yes. Now you know how it hurts, to lose someone like that. Only, you didn't lose him to your fucking best friend!" and out of nowhere, she slapped my face. I stood up, and I saw her glare. 

"I regret introducing you to him. I regret that moment were me and Jack almost kissed. But slapping me in the face isn't going to change anything!" I shouted, and my anger brewed. 

Ella looked like she might hit me again, so I took my leave and headed to my house. As soon as I got to the kitchen, I burst into tears. I'd lost everything, all because I'd decided to open my fucking mouth. 

It dawned on me, that I still had Jack. I ran out the house, and didn't look back.

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