chapter 50

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Chapter 50:

I stood in silence for a moment before realizing I’d best help Hanley see that I was being serious about our break up. I slowly made my way upstairs and began to pack max’s things into a bag. As I did I heard someone approaching me. I turned around and saw Zack stood behind him, a small proud smile on his face.

I sighed and stood up. ‘Even though it’s over between me and Hanley you’re NOT to go near her. Understand?’ I spat at him and his smile disappeared. He turned around and walked away. ‘Like you can stop me’ he whispered to himself. Rage built inside of me, but I tried to ignore it. Idiots like him weren’t worth my time.

I finished off packing Max’s things and Hanley came upstairs and stood in the doorway. Tears were still falling down her face. ‘A-Alex’ she whispered. I stood up once again and handed her the bag. ‘I packed Max’s things for you’ I paused and looked into her eyes. ‘Your welcome’ I breathed and pushed past her.

I know I was being harsher than I had to be, but I couldn’t leave her any other way. I remained downstairs until Hanley finally came down with a few bags containing her and Max’s stuff. It took a while, most of the time I had to close my ears to block out her cries. Only because, if I’d heard them I would of started to cry myself.

I opened the door and Hanley picked the bags up. ‘When I find somewhere to go, I’ll come back for Max’ she whispered. I nodded and closed the door, praying I hadn’t made a huge mistake.

-----Hanley’s point of view--------

I dropped the bags and looked around, clueless on what to do. I nearly burst into tears, but I realized I had to be strong, for max’s sake. I wiped my cheeks and picked up the bags. There was only one place I could go.

Moments later I arrived at my future home, at least for a while. I just hoped he would accept. I placed the bags down and hesitated before opening the door. Was this such a good idea? If Alex knew I know he wouldn’t be happy, but then again why does Alex matter me anymore? I understood he was being serious about all of this, so I guess I had to forget about him.

I knocked on the door and within seconds Jack answered. ‘Hey’ I tried to smile. ‘Hey’ he smiled back. ‘Hanley what’s wrong?’ he saw the dried tears on my face. ‘It’s Alex, he threw me out’ He didn’t reply, just hugged me and welcomed me into his house.

I tried to tell him what happened, but all the memories caused the tears to come back. Eventually Jack suggested I get some sleep then pick Max up tomorrow. It seemed like a good idea, considering I was so tired. Tired of everything. I slept on the couch and Jack comforted me into my eyes finally fell.

The next day I woke up, it was going to be a rough day. No doubt Alex will want to know where Max is staying, but I couldn’t tell him. He’d definitely not approve. I didn’t have time to make up an excuse. I wanted Max with me, not with him. I got ready and let myself into the house. As I still had a key.

‘Maxie’ I shouted. ‘Mummy!’ Max had a huge grin on his face as he ran down the stairs. ‘Where’ve you been?’ he looked up at me. ‘Getting our new house ready!’ I smiled brightly hoping Alex wasn’t going to interrupt. ‘Where are we going?’ He smiled. I looked to see if Alex was around, but he was no where to be seen. ‘Uncle Jack’s whispered’ Max pulled the cutest face ever and began to jump around. ‘Shush, it’s a secret!’ I laughed. ‘Okay’ he smiled sweetly.

‘C’mon let’s go!’ I took his hand and heard a cough from behind me. I looked and saw Alex, he looked like he hadn’t slept a wink. ‘Maxie why don’t you use to toilet before we leave hmm?’ I smiled. ‘Okay’ he said running off to the bathroom upstairs. ‘So, where are you taking him?’ Alex asked once Max had disappeared. ‘Is it really any of your business?’ I kept my head low. ‘He’s my child I think I deserve to know!’ he shouted. I jumped slightly.

‘SO?’ I shouted back. ‘I mean, you obviously don’t care so why should I tell you?’ I choked trying to hold back my tears. Alex shook his head and I saw the anger in his eyes. ‘If you don’t tell me’ he began, but his words were drowned out by the sound of the toilet flushing and Max running back down the stairs.

‘I’m all done!’ he smiled. ‘Okay! Let’s go’ I smiled back and looked back at Alex. ‘Goodbye, Alex’ I whispered. He walked towards but I ran out the house and scooped Max in my arms before he could reach me. From there I ran all the way to jacks whilst convincing Max we were playing a game. I stopped and saw he wasn’t following me.

Jack had been waiting at the door. ‘Uncle Jack!’ Max ran up giggling as Jack lifted him into the air. ‘Hey buddy!’ Jack beamed at him. I smiled, kind of wishing Jack was the father now. Maybe it was wrong to feel that way, after all it’s not Alex’s fault, it was mine.

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